英语人>词典>英汉 : intron的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

intron ['intrɔn]



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All 21 exons with flanking intronic sequences, as well as a 263 bp fragment of the 5" flanking region, of GARS-AIRS-GART gene, were screened in the same five populations, by the method of PCR-SSCP analysis, combined with sequencing reactions. We detected 10 SNPs, C-179T from 5" flanking region, A5669G form exon 3, C6545Afrom exon 4, A7777G from intron 4, G10854T, C10867T, G10898T from intron 6, A16197G from intron 11, C21228T from intron 14, and C29686T from exon 21. These ten polymorphic sites were nominated as GARS1, GARS2, GARS3, GARS4, GARS5, GARS6, GARS7, GARS8, GARS9, and GARS 10, respectively. The mutation of C D A at GARS3 was a non-synonymous mutation, wh

其中外显子4中的6545处的c~A突变导致对应的氨基酸序列中的第173位氨基酸发生变异:天冬氨酸一谷氨酸;10个SNP位点依次命名为:GARSI、GARSZ、GARS3、GARS4、GARSS、GARS6、GARS7、GARSS、GARSg、GARS 10;(2)10个SN'P位点在不同的鸡种中的基因型分布差异显著(P.05),进一步的方差分析显示,GASRI位点以及GARS3位点与肌肉肌昔酸含量之间存在着显著的关联;(3)在所检测的5个群体中GARsl位

Polymorphism of Rb (intron 17) is relatively stable and rarely mutates, but poly morphism of Rb gene (intron 20) locus is characteristic in the old people. The r elation between Rb gene (intron 20) and ageing needs further study.


Segments of Adh gene in azuki bean (variety KS 5), covering an interval between partial intron 3 and intron 9, were amplified and sequenced with two pairs of primers. The result has proven the viability of using conserved sequences in a completely sequenced gene of one species to clone same gene in another species. In the comparison between Adh genes of azuki bean and pea, high sequence similarity (about 80%) in exon and long length difference (up to 116 bp) in intron were found. Besides, the edge regions of Adh introns with GT/AG counterparts and more conserved sequences than central regions was observed in both species.

利用两组引子对完成红豆(高雄5号)Adh基因之部分解序,其范围包括部分intron 3至intron 9之间的区域,也印证利用基因之已知保守序列可选殖另一物种之相同基因,红豆与豌豆之Adh基因序列比对结果显示两者之exon均较intron有较高之GC百分比(分别为41.0 ~ 48.7%及23.3 ~ 35.2%),且两者在exon区域之DNA序列相似程度约80 %,而在intron区域中则有明显的序列差异存在(长度差异最高可达116 bp),但是intron外侧序列均具有GT/AG组成且相对较中央序列具有保守性。

更多网络解释 与intron相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

intron lariat:内含子套索

intron-encoded protein 内含子编码蛋白(质) | intron lariat 内含子套索 | intron-like element 内含子样因子


领鞭毛虫是一胞祖先具有富含"内含子"(Intron)的基因,它们是一些编码蛋白区域,其特征是与个谜. 现在,一种以前未知的、涉及MKK9的"丝裂原活化蛋白激酶"(MAPK)通道已在突变反应是被"由活化诱导的脱氨酶"(AID)启动的,人们普遍假设,


并进而影响Tubby基因倒数第两个表现序列(exon 11)剪切位置(splicing site)的改变,导致Tubby基因C端的四十四个胺基酸,被插入序列(intron)上所转译出的二十四个胺基酸所取代.


且鉴定出树突细胞 (dendritic cell) 及巨噬细胞2.已开发一个从 鼠单一胚 (blastomere) 培养胚胎干细胞株的新技外,亦发现ASEs 的KS 值比CSEs 低, 照在介入子 (intron) 上的替换比调控子


nL 基因之内隐子(intron)复制出来的结进行Neighbor-joining tree 群丛分析 (cluster analysis) 绘制出树状关系图藉由叶绿体基因组之 trnL 基因之内隐子(intron)分析细蕊红树属内种红树林(mangroves)为分布於热带、亚热带潮间带的木本植物群落,

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