英语人>词典>英汉 : interpolar的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

interpolar [intə(:)'pəulə]


极间的, 两极之间的

更多网络例句与interpolar相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A dramatic reorganization of interpolar microtubules into a highly organized central spindle between the separating chromatids is required for the initiation and execution of cytokinesis.


A dramatic remodeling of interpolar microtubules into an organized central spindle between the separating chromatids is required for the initiation and execution of cytokinesis.


An active inductor is constructed from some active devices, such as field effect transistor. The inductive property is derived from the interaction between the interpolar capacitance and the induced current effect.


The results show that, the distribution of magnetic field and electromagnetic force in the aluminum film on the cathode slope are in symmetry to the long axis of the cell, especially the magnetic force is in the same direction as the gravity force, which is in favor of the aluminum discharging from the cathode slope. The highest fluctuation of aluminum pad surface in the accumulation sump is 0.021 m, which still remains within the safe range, and will not cause interpolar short circuit, so a normal operation process could be maintained with the same bus bar configuration as the current 75 kA aluminum reduction cells.

结果表明:阴极斜坡表面电磁场和电磁力场分布基本呈沿电解槽长轴对称分布,且电磁力与重力方向相同,这有利于阴极表面电磁力向聚铝沟排放,而在电磁力作用下,聚铝沟内铝液波动最大幅度为0.021 m,仍保持在安全范围之内,不会引起两极短路现象的发生,表明在现有75 kA普通预焙槽母线配置方案下,可以维持导流型结构电解槽的正常运行。

Magnetic field strengths(the interpolar gap width = 2.5 mm, 1.5 mm, 0.5 mm).


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更多网络解释与interpolar相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2008. interphone 内部互通电话 | 2009. interpolar 极间的 | 2010. interpolar axis 极间轴线

interpolar:极间 极间的

interpluvialinterval间雨期 | interpolar极间 极间的 | interpolaraxis极间轴线


prenoble极其高尚的 | interpolar处于两极之间的 | (2) mutual, reciprocal相互,交互

interpolar voltage:极间电压

number of pole pairs-磁极对数 | interpolar voltage-极间电压 | zero potential-零电位

interpolar space:极间空间

2011. interpolar gap 极间空隙 | 2012. interpolar space 极间空间 | 2013. interpolating 内插

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