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integral relation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

integral relation

integral relation的基本解释


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In this paper, an important integral relation in terms of convolutions is given, which can be considered as the generalized principle of virtual work in mechanics.


And singular integral equations have tight relation of the boundary value problems for holomorphic function.


In the background of globalization in our time, the existence of human being is deeply in the relation of an integral whole, such as relation of human being and external world, human and the others or human and himself.


The expression of instantaneous modulus was derived by using the integral constitutive relation and stress wave theory.


Then, integrating the damage evolution equation by means of variable separation method, an integral expression of stresslife relation can be established.


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更多网络解释与integral relation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

integral relation:积分关系式

integral photography 立体照相,积分照相 | integral relation 积分关系式 | integral value 积分值

integral relation:积分关系

integral rational function 整有理函数 | integral relation 积分关系 | integral representation 积分表示;整数表示

momentum integral relation:动量积分关系

momentum integral estimates, 动量积分估计 | momentum integral relation. 动量积分关系 | momentum integral theory, 动量积分理论