英语人>词典>英汉 : insulation material的中文,翻译,解释,例句
insulation material的中文,翻译,解释,例句

insulation material

insulation material的基本解释


更多网络例句与insulation material相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Centrifugal glass wool; rubber sponge; aluminosilicate; rockwool; composite silicate; insulation, thermal insulation material; fire resistance, fire protection material; noise, sound-absorbing material


We get patent (patent No. 2009 2013 3016.6) on this new heat insulation material which not only overcomes the discomfort and environmental damage caused by glass fiber and foam material but also avoid damages caused by ultraviolent radiation that can penetrate through sheet iron, concrete, wood and other common heat insulation material.

我集团公司研发的该新型隔热材料专利号:2009 2013 3016.6)的出现不仅解决了以往的玻璃纤维和发泡类材料给人体带来的不适感和环境带来的危害等,而且可阻挡穿透铁皮、混凝土、木材和普通的隔热材料而进入房间的紫外线。

We get patent (patent No. 2009 2013 3016.6) on this new heat insulation material which not only overcomes the discomfortenvironmental damage caused by glass fiberfoam material but also avoid damages caused by ultraviolent radiation that can penetrate through sheet iron, concrete, woodother common heat insulation material.

我集团公司研发的该新型隔热材料专利号:2009 2013 3016.6)的出现不仅解决了以往的玻璃纤维和发泡类材料给人体带来的不适感和环境带来的危害等,而且可阻挡穿透铁皮、混凝土、木材和普通的隔热材料而进入房间的紫外线。

更多网络解释与insulation material相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

heat insulation test:绝热试验

绝热材料 heat insulation material | 绝热试验 heat insulation test | 热闪 heat lightning

We'll try our best to improve upon the insulation:我们会想办法提高绝缘

10、绝缘材料有问题There must be some problem about the insulation material. | 11、我们会想办法提高绝缘We'll try our best to improve upon the insulation. | Ⅲ.谈论调试 Talking about testing

thermal insulating material:绝热材料

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