英语人>词典>英汉 : inland的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

inland ['inlənd]


内陆的, 国内的

  • We once traveled inland.
  • 我们曾经在内地旅行。

在内地, 向内地

  • We went twenty kilometers inland, up the river.
  • 我们沿着河向上游走了20公里。


更多 网络例句 与inland相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At present, the main problems of inland shipping are: the infrastructure is unprogressive, the structural contradiction is obvious, the management system needs to be rectified, and the external environment for development is poor. In recent years, the main reasons which caused the slow development of inland shipping mainly due to that the entire society paid insufficient attention to the inland shipping, invested insufficient capital, and didnt find a good balance between water resources development and the inland shipping demand development.


Location of the inland frontier regions have greater uncertainty and imperfectibility at politics and economy than other regions,therefore the border " shielding effect " makes the actual advantage of location of the inland frontier regions uncertain,especially the relative advantage may change in the future,cause the transaction costs of the inland frontier regions to be redounded .


Channel of our country inland river by the local processing of 80 time, those who grow 90 time is comprehensive build with calculated, total course of development of be open to navigation or air traffic of inland river channel achieved 122 thousand kilometer 2002, among them channel of above of 300 tons of class achieves 23510 kilometers, the Yangtse River of 8222 kilometers;, Heilongjiang mixes above of 1000 tons of class channel of Songhua River artery but all fronts be open to navigation or air traffic Beijing of; of barge of 1000 tons of class Hangzhou canal Su Na Duan Jiancheng countrywide example channel, restored north and south the action of waterborne main artery, volume exceeds dimensions of fleet of inland river of annual bottom of 200 million tons of;2002 156 thousand, 17.2 million carring capacity ton, shipping continues to keep large change,; of standardization development trend on the west the attempt that report of river, Hunan river, Jia Lingjiang boat joins, gain remarkable economy and social benefit.


更多网络解释 与inland相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


点击观看本新闻视频 新浪娱乐讯 2008年9月4日,威尼斯,第65届威尼斯电影节,电影>(Inland)首映礼,导演塔里克特琪亚(Tariq Teguia)携男星Fethi Ghares及两位制片出席,头戴个性嬉皮帽出镜的塔里克特琪亚成为红毯上最引人瞩目的亮点.


莫三比克(Mozambique)曾经是葡萄牙的殖民地因此首都--马布托(Maputo)市内的建筑大多都有葡萄牙的风格在某个小镇转车时 他说之前搭的巴士是台气味使人难受的(smelly)巴士 接著他又转搭另外一台巴士 往更内陆的(inland)城市去体验扫雷的过


initialstage初级阶段 | Inland内陆,国内,内地 | inlandcountry内陆国家


inland waters 内陆水域 | inland 内地 | inlandeis 大陆 冰川

Inland course:内地球场,山区或平野球场

Indoor 室内 | Inland course 内地球场,山区或平野球场 | Inside out 向外挥杆,挥杆时的杆头由内侧挥向外侧

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