英语人>词典>英汉 : infrapatellar的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Objective To discuss a new method of curing the damnification at infrapatellar structure (patellar ligament and the structure around it).

目的 探讨髌下结构损伤的新的治疗方法。

Kummel and Zazanis, as well as Chambers, noted several variations in the location and distribution of this infrapatellar branch. Consequently, no single incision on the anteromedial aspect of the knee can avoid it for certain.

Kummel 、Zazanis[1]和Chambers[2]曾注意到此分支在走行和支配方面有多种变异,因而没有任何一种膝关节前内侧切口能够肯定地避开该分支。

Kummel and Zazanis, as well as Chambers, noted seeral ariations in the location and distribution of this infrapatellar branch. Consequently, no single incision on the anteromedial aspect of the knee can aoid it for certain.

Kummel 、Zazanis[1]和Chambers[2]曾注意到此分支在走行和支配方面有多种变异,因而没有任何一种膝关节前内侧切口能够肯定地避开该分支。

When any anteromedial approach is made, including one for meniscectomy, the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve should be protected Fig.


When any anteromedial approach is made, including one for meniscectomy, the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nere should be protected Fig.


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更多网络解释与infrapatellar相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

infrapatellar bursitis:髌下深滑囊炎

髌前滑囊炎 prepatellar bursitis | 髌下深滑囊炎 infrapatellar bursitis | 髌周肌腱炎 perpatellar tendonitis


infrapalpebralsulcus 睑下沟 睑下沟 | infrapatellar 髌下的 | infrapatellarfatpad 髌下脂体

infrapatellar fat pad:髌下脂垫

infraorbital nerve 眶下神经 | infrapatellar fat pad 髌下脂垫 | infrasternal angle 胸骨下角

infrapatellar fat pad:髌下脂体

infrapalpebral sulcus 睑下沟,睑下沟 | infrapatellar fat pad 髌下脂体 | infrapatellar synovial fold 髌下滑膜襞

infrapatellar fat pad:髌骨下脂肪垫

髌骨 patella 207 | 髌骨下脂肪垫 infrapatellar fat pad 209 | 髌尖 apex of patella 203

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