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index bar的中文,翻译,解释,例句

index bar

index bar的基本解释


更多网络例句与index bar相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You can use the "index" bar on the bottom side of the display to quickly jump from group to group.


Due to the difficulties encountered in the process of investigation and analysis of sugarcane smut infection index, the application of bar code automatic identification system was proposed in the investigation management of sugarcane smut infection index, and then specialized computer analysis system was developed to analyze the data.


Now, now come for everyone inventory of what, in recent years, China's top ten entertainment stars quit after the ups and downs, and let us take a look at these "job-hopping" star's happiness index bar.


Due to the difficulties encountered in the process of investigation and analysis of sugarcane smut infection index, the application of bar code automatic identification system was proposed in the investigation management of sugarcane smut infection index, and then specialized computer analysis system was devel叩ed to analyze the data.

摘 要:根据甘蔗黑穗病流行学参数和病情指数调查与分析中遇到的困难,提出了利用条形码自动识别系统来管理调查过程中的数据,并利用专门开发的计算机分析系统来分析这些数据。

The LOI test was performed according to the testing procedure of ASTM D 2836 Oxygen Index Method with test specimen bar of 7–15 cm in length, 6.5 6 0 .5 mm in width, and 3.0 6 0.5 mm in thickness.

LOI 测试执行了根据ASTM D 2836 氧气索引方法试验过程与测试7.C15 cm 标本酒吧在长度, 6.5 6 0 5 毫米在宽度,并且3.0 6 0.5 毫米在厚度。

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更多网络解释与index bar相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

index bar:六分仪)指标杆

index arm 指标杆 | index bar 六分仪)指标杆 | index bar 游标

index bar:游标

index bar 六分仪)指标杆 | index bar 游标 | index bit 变址位

index bar:指臂

index array ==> 变址寄存器组,变址数寄存器组 | index bar ==> 指臂 | index barricade register ==> 变址隔离寄存器