英语人>词典>英汉 : increase plot的中文,翻译,解释,例句
increase plot的中文,翻译,解释,例句

increase plot

increase plot的基本解释


更多网络例句与increase plot相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In the dry land and garden plot, the soil eroding amount of terraced fields is only 1/3 of that be ploughed directly along the slope. It is difficult that assart along the contour in the dry land and garden plot, after the first 1~2 years, the soil eroding amount will increase at double. From the soil and water conservation point of view, the mode that integrates arbor, shrub and grass in woodland is the best, the mode that plants grass in bare land is the second.


The 10 a plot had the highest community average height, abundance, and above ground biomass, but the community average increased with enclosure time and the 25 a plot had the highest community average coverage. Enclosure for 10 a gave the highest species diversity index in the third plots, while 15 a had the highest' richness index and lowest evenness index. The highest evenness index was in the non-enclosure plot. Exclosure appears to maintain or conserve, rather than increase plant diversity in contrast to non-enclosure.


The △m plot shows a minus curvature, which also means demagnetizing character in magnetic nanowires system. The △m plot becomes asymmetric with the increase of diameters.

样品的△m Plot表现出负的曲率,同样证明样品中存在退磁性特点的相互作用,大直径的样品的的△m Plot则表现出不对称现象。

更多网络解释与increase plot相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

maximum principal effective stress:最大有效主应力

maximum plot ratio 最高地积比率;最高建造比率 | maximum principal effective stress 最大有效主应力 | maximum rates increase relief 最高差饷加额宽减

maximum principal effective stress:最大有效主应力kLi中国学习动力网

maximum plot ratio 最高地积比率;最高建造比率kLi中国学习动力网 | maximum principal effective stress 最大有效主应力kLi中国学习动力网 | maximum rates increase relief 最高差饷加额宽减kLi中国学习动力网