英语人>词典>英汉 : incorruptibly的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



不被收买地, 不被腐蚀地

更多网络例句与incorruptibly相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Civil servants should work efficiently and incorruptibly for all the people in the country.


So, on the one side, we should extensively improve our party's good work style and develop incorruptibly political construction in order to keep the party advanced; On the other side, we still take effective measures to control corruption breeding and spreading in order to protect the party advanced.


In order to enable the cadre troop to adapt the new situation which new China faces, and enable them to meet the needs of economic development well under the new historical condition, the first-generation leading group of the Party has made many beneficial explorations in training the specialized technical knowledge of the cadre, chasting the cadre troop, punishing the corrupt behavior and maintaining unity of the cadre troop, which has accomplished an array of the cadre troops excelling to rule a nation and direct military affairs, behavioring incorruptibly and exerting oneself hardworking and promising and has accumulated the precious historical experience for today to strengthen constructing of the cadre troop.


It is necessary to set up a supervising team which is willing to serve the people, govern by law incorruptibly, efficiently and enterprisingly, cultivate service workers with de votion and creativity, perfect regulations and rules to institutionalize management, and stress government by law; to bring the enthusiasm of the service staff into play by incentive systems; to socialize rear serice with a set direction and according to local conditions courageously and gradually; to establish a quiet, safe and harmonious educational environment centered around students to contribute to their free, vivacious and active development, which will result in the achievement of the targets of "Three services",and "Two Developments" for rear service administration.


更多网络解释与incorruptibly相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


incorruptible 不易败的 | incorruptibly 不被收买地 | incorruption 不腐败


incorruptible 不能收买的 | incorruptibly 不能收买地 | incorruptincorruptible 不腐败的

incorruptibly:不能收买地; 廉洁地 (副)

incorruptible 不腐败的, 清廉的, 不能收买的 (形) | incorruptibly 不能收买地; 廉洁地 (副) | incorruption 不腐败; 清廉洁白 (名)

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