英语人>词典>英汉 : in syrup的中文,翻译,解释,例句
in syrup的中文,翻译,解释,例句

in syrup

in syrup的基本解释

更多网络例句与in syrup相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, Diabetic The patient should be not restricted water, but should not be one-time a large number of watering or drinkable too cool cold drink, avoid drink contains the beverage with high in syrup and gassiness beverage, should drink cool boiled water more or cool Tea Water.


A short pastry base filled with almond flavoured patisserie cream, decorated with pears in syrup and glaze.


Referring to footnote 9 to Article 3 and to Article 4.1, the Panel on Mexico - Corn Syrup stated:"These two provisions inescapably require the conclusion that the domestic industry with respect to which injury is considered and determined must be the domestic industry defined in accordance with Article 4.1".

关于对第三条和第四条第一款的脚注九,在Mexico-Corn Syrup案中的专家组认为:这两条规定都不可避免的要求这样的结论,这个结论是国内产业损害的考虑和确定必须是与第四条一致的确定的国内产业。

更多网络解释与in syrup相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pineapple-filled longans in syrup:糖水龙眼夹菠萝

pineapple 菠萝 | pineapple-filled longans in syrup 糖水龙眼夹菠萝 | pineapple-filled {lychee} in syrup 糖水荔枝夹菠萝

Loquats in Syrup:蜜汁枇杷

Pears in Syrup 蜜汁梨子 | Loquats in Syrup 蜜汁枇杷 | Chilled Fruit cup 什锦果盅

d pearl barley in syrup:糖水莲子苡米

d pearl barley in syrup 糖水莲子苡米 | lotus nut iu syrup 糖水莲子 | lotus nut shelled boiled 清水莲子