英语人>词典>英汉 : in collusion with的中文,翻译,解释,例句
in collusion with的中文,翻译,解释,例句

in collusion with

in collusion with的基本解释


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I'm not implying that she is in collusion with them.


Are all of you in collusion with each other?!


In modern China, the feudal forces in collusion with imperialism and oppression of China's capitalist development.


They act evilly in collusion with each other, compelling us to make RMB Appreciation.


To be blunt, we strongly suspect that you are working in collusion with those bad eggs.


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in collusion with:勾结

in collision 相撞 | in collusion with 勾结 | in combination with 结合

Act in collusion with each other:狼狈为奸

The death of wolves is the safety of sheep.狼死羊安. | Act in collusion with each other.狼狈为奸. | Like a drowned mouse.狼狈不堪.

a wolf working hand in glove with a bei --act in collusion with each other:狼狈为奸

pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble滥... | a wolf working hand in glove with a bei --act in collusion with each other狼狈为奸 | an old horse knows the way --an old hand is a good guid ...

to work in collusion; to intrigue with each other:互相勾结

tunnel vision 视野狭窄 井蛙之见 | to work in collusion; to intrigue with each other 互相勾结 | to shield each other; to harbour each other 互相包庇