英语人>词典>英汉 : in a qualified sense的中文,翻译,解释,例句
in a qualified sense的中文,翻译,解释,例句

in a qualified sense

in a qualified sense的基本解释

在有限的意义上, 在一定范围的意义上

更多网络例句与in a qualified sense相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those who have public spirit are modernists in a real sense and qualified citizens who can construct a modern country.


51 There is also another answer which might be given to the objection, viz. that the end which the inordinate agent intends is an end only in a qualified sense. But this is not a happy solution, because the efficiency of the inferior cause is a pure and simple case of efficiency. In other words, it does not effect something simply because it is moved as does a stick, which has no end of its own because it is not an agent on its own, but rather resembles a more immediate effect.

2.51 对这一反驳还可以给出另外一个回答,即精神紊乱的行为者意图的目的仅仅只在严格的意义上才称之为目的,但这并不是一个令人愉快的解决方案,因为次等原因的动力因是动力因的一个纯粹而直接的情形,换句话说,它没有影响某物,仅仅是因为它就像一根棍子一样运动,它没有自身的目的,因为它不是针对自身的行动者,而仅仅是一些更为直接的结果的汇集。