implantation [,implɑ:n'teiʃən]
- implantation的基本解释
灌输, 鼓吹, 培植, 着床
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- implantation cone
- implantation knife
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However, tracheal stent implantation is different from esophageal stent implantation. As patients with airway obstruction are always complicated by dyspnea and hypoxemia, even respiratory failure, which increases risk and difficulty of stent implantation. During tracheal stent implantation, the bronchofibroscope or stent entering the stenosis site may lead to complete tracheal obstruction-induced asphyxia. Corrosion of metal wire of stent to airway mucosa and vessels may result in hemorrhea, leading to postoperative hemoptysis. Stent dislocation is mainly caused by inappropriate selection of stent, inappropriate implantation position or severe cough. Carcinoma tissue growing along stent lumens can induce re-obstruction in stent, resulting in atelectasis relapse.
Detail research on the existed papers and cases of implantation of competency system with human resource system combined with analysis them erasures of case company to apply the implantation of competency system, such as customize the impanation model, apply implantation of competency system into recruit system , and the actual ways and steps to fit implantation of competency into company.
Immunohistochemical study showed that ER and PR were mainly localized in karyon of epithelial and stroma cell, and also in smooth muscle cell in all specimen. Marked difference of intense staining was observed between implantation site and non-implantation site in the same patient, and the latter is stronger for both ER and PR . There are significant difference between implantation site and non-implantation site for ER expression or PR expression (t=- 3.895, p=0.001; t=- 3.574, p=0.001, respectively).
- 更多网络解释 与implantation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
最常见预言就是"植入"(implantation). 许多未来学家已经提出了有关于"嵌入智慧"(embedded intelligence)的概念,其中最简单的想法就是,植入具有心灵感应的 "智慧语音"无线装置,这样就能够与世界上任何地方的其他人通话.
(2)着床 着床(implantation)是胚泡植入子宫内膜的过程,经过定位、粘着和穿透三个阶段. (3)妊娠的维持及激素调节 妊娠的维持有赖于垂体、卵巢和胎盘分泌的各种激素的相互配合. 在受精与着床之前,在腺垂体促性腺激素的控制下,
掺杂是将特定量的杂质通过薄膜开口引入晶圆表层的工艺制程(图4.8). 它有两种工艺方法:热扩散(thermal diffusion)和离子注入(implantation),都在第十一章有详细阐述. 热扩散是在1000摄氏度...
ion implantation:离子注入
发现於原始陨石中的钻石颗粒,很可能是形成於太阳系形成之前,因此隐藏於钻石颗粒之中的稀有气体,便成为探索太阳系形成早期的重要线索之一,而这些稀有气体之所以能够进入钻石颗粒之中,则可能和离子注入(ion implantation)有所关连.
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