英语人>词典>英汉 : immigration的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,反义词,拼写相似词汇

immigration [,imi'greiʃən]


移民, 移居, 外来的移民, 移居入境

  • The immigration of 1956 included many people from Hungary.
  • 一九五六年入境的移民中有许多匈牙利人。
n. emigration
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And the suggestion is that this system needs to be newly constructed from the following aspects: Firstly, immigration right must be added into the Constitution to guarantee the legal basis on what the rights of immigration system established; Secondly, the formulation of a unified China immigration laws change the current unified legal system; Thirdly, improve relief measures of the rights of immigration both from the public and private aspects; Fourthly, to establish a new unified border security inspection department for private business, to optimize the original setup of the department and to recon figurate the powers and rights; Fifthly, the restrictions on the discretion of the executive and administrative areas, stress the right immigration's central authority attribution All in all, the text begins with the basic contents of human rights of immigration, bases itself on the theoretical framework of human rights, adopts a historical point of view and vertical and horizontal comparative study methods, fully inspects and discusses other countries and regions'immigration system, critically scrutinizes the immigration-related regulations in China's the immigration system, and tries to build a immigration system theory and practice system that complies with China's practical circumstances by using constructive thinking and facilitates actual operation.


Our immigration and nonimmigration services include Employment-Based Immigration including Alien of Extraordinary Ability, Outstanding Professor or Researcher, National Interest Waiver, Multinational Executive Manager, Foreign Investor Immigration, Asylum, PERM Labor Certification, H-1B Application, Family-Based Immigration Application including K-1/K-3, Travel Document and/or Reentry Permit, Employment Authorization Card, and many more.


In the process of immigration of eastern Sichuan and western Hubei, at least three issues are worthy of noting: one, the settlers had a difficult trip, life was unstable and crafts was extremely difficult in the mountain region in early time; two, Land disputes are more common in initial time of immigration, occupying boundary, subleasing, reselling and looting land often caused fights even murder, which shows early highly complex relation of immigration in community; three, immigrants plays a very important role in the development of local economy. If the local economic development can be divided into four stages, the fourth period (that is, from the middle of the 18th century to the 19th century) is the most important period for immigration, is the period of fastest development of economy and is the period of the local economic development the largest impacted by immigrants.


更多网络解释 与immigration相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


严格来说,在G类阅读中,没有任何与\"移民\"(immigration)有关的内容. 1.看题目要求(instructions)及题目的共同点,以决定看文章的详略程度几乎任何阅读考试均同时考查阅读速度(speed)与理解精确度(accuracy).


从词汇上来说,"移民"在现代汉语中是一个相对笼统的概念,它不像在英语中,既有名词(immigration )和动词(immigrate )之分,还有移民出境(migration )、移民入境(immigration )和互相迁移(intermigration)之分.


动物的扩散有3种形式:迁出(enigration)、迁入(immigration)和迁移(migration). 分离出去而不再归来的单方向移动称为迁出;进入的单方向移动称为迁入;周期性的离开和返回称为迁移. 迁移时动物往往集群行动,经过相同的路线,



immigration Office:移民局

所以有人就亲自去移民局(Immigration Office) 填表放弃,或找律师办理. 你填表放弃绿卡,是有自投罗网的味道,那IRS绝对是会把你的税查个一清二楚,才会让你放弃绿卡. 要放弃绿卡不缴米囯税,应该也不要有米囯收入,不要有米囯股票、存款、房地产,

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