illuminate [i'lju:mineit]
- illuminate的基本解释
照明, 阐明, 说明, 使灿烂, 用灯装饰
- A smile illuminated her face.
- 微笑使她容光焕发。
- The streets were illuminated for the celebration.
- 街道为庆祝张灯结彩。
- We were greatly illuminated by the discussion.
- 这次讨论对我们启发很大。
- Moonlight illuminated the valley.
- 月光照亮了山谷。
- The river was illuminated by the setting sun.
- 这条河被落日照亮。
照亮, 用灯装饰
- 相似词
- 拼写相近单词
- illuminated
- illuminates
- illuminati
- illuminating
- illuminatingly
- illumination
- illuminations
- illuminative
- illuminato
- illuminator
- 更多 网络例句 与illuminate相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Below 200 times smooth lens, area of illuminate of domestic hare liver all appears out-of-the-way sex injures vein blood-vessel in the center of different level flocculus hepatic illuminate area has times light of;400 below lens the Kupffer cell that gobbles up a function relatively not illuminate area has decrease apparently.
We have obtained illuminate illuminate image of a single Photobacterium phosphoreum which shows that its size is about 2.4×0.62 and the illuminate intensity is in the order of 100 photons persecond.
He who thinks to illuminate the whole range of mental action by the light of his own consciousness is not unlike the one who should go about to illuminate the universe with a rushlight.
- 更多网络解释 与illuminate相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
同电影一样,小说有其他文化形式无法比拟的照明(illuminate)现实的能力. 这种照明是文学干预现实的主要渠道,因为权力(power)运作的一个基本条件是可视性. 在>一书中,福柯通过监狱建筑的可视性对改造犯人所起的作用一例,
"[6]作为SFI这一信念的缔造者之一,盖尔曼在文中明确指出:"我们工作的最令人激动之处就在于,它阐明(illuminate)简单与复杂是相联系的链条. 一端是简单的、基本(underlying)规律,它们统治着宇宙所有物质的行为;
buffet 打击;餐具柜 | illuminate 阐明,照亮 | be committed to doing 致力于,献身于(=be devoted to doing)
ideal machine 理想机械 | illuminate 照明,照亮 | image 像
illuminate: v.1:照明,照亮,照射 2.阐明,启迪 3.使容光焕发,使辉煌
bespeak: v.1.预定,预约 2.证明,表示,预示 | illuminate: v.1.照明,照亮,照射 2.阐明,启迪 3.使容光焕发,使辉煌 | imperturbable: a.不易活动的,沉着冷静的
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