英语人>词典>英汉 : illegality的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

illegality [,ili:'gæliti]


非法行为, 犯规

更多 网络例句 与illegality相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Iv It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't formulate, sigh, issue, or enforce any orders, laws, provisions, legislations, executory orders, prohibitions, break-offs, ordinances, or orders of detain to limit or ban the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement; It will be illegal for any courts or wheels of state having competence who don't institute or threaten to institute legal proceedings , sues, investigations or legal procedures to restrict or prohibit the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement or declare the illegality of the accomplishment of the sketch of this agreement.

iv 任何具有管辖权的法院或任何国家机构未制定、签发、颁布或强制执行任何命令、法律、规定、法规、执行令、禁令、中止、法令或扣留令,以限制或禁止完成本协议拟定之交易、或宣布本协议拟定之交易的完成为非法的;任何对有关事宜具有管辖权的国家机构未提起或威胁将提起任何诉讼、起诉、调查或法律程序,以限制或禁止进行本协议拟定之交易、或宣布进行本协议拟定之交易为非法

Administrative omission is one part of administrative act and administrative omission illegality is an important part of administrative illegality.


" Modern states have no right to "base their diplomacy on illegality, boorishness, cajoling and bullying without one iota of legal fabric in their arguments….future generations read these lines and judge for themselves who was right and who was wrong at this fundamental moment in the determination of the future of Mankind.

在文明世界,法律是应遵循的"现代国家无权的"基地其外交上是非法的, boorishness , cajoling和欺凌,没有一丝毫的法律织物在他们的论点……。后代请您阅读这些线和自行判断谁是正确的,谁是错在这个根本的时刻的决心,人类的未来。

更多网络解释 与illegality相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


2、内容的独特 民法典草案并未像其成员国民法典那样编入"人法"、"家庭法"、"继承法"和"法人"、"不动产"等内容,同时也将储如"非法"(illegality)、"公序良俗"(immorality)、"公共政策"(public policy)、"强行规则"(mandatory ru


[18]在迪泼罗克提出的"不合法"(illegality)、"不合理"(irrationality)、"程序不适当"(procedural impropriety)的司法审查标准"三分法"之中,尤其有意义的是"不合理",它使得法院得以在这一独立的审查标准之下理直气壮地开展并拓深司法审查,


Legality作为一个概念最早大概出现于中世纪的思想家托马斯.阿奎那(Thomas Aquinas)的理论中,他提出了一个著名的关于暴政的区分,即"因执行而产生 (ex parte exercitii) 的暴政意味着不法(illegality),因无权力而产生 (ex defectu


法律形式的滥用 或非法行为(illegality) ;2. 公司的投资不足 ;3. 代理或工具(控制过严) 或傀儡公司(dummy corporation) ;4. 经济整体理论(Economic Unit Theory) 等等. 其中以代理为根据来揭开法人面纱(Piercing the Corporate Veil),

Administrative Illegality:行政违法

Administrative Explanation 行政解释 | Administrative Illegality 行政违法 | Administrative Inappropriateness 行政不当

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