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The charts of 232 children undergoing surgical reduction of ileocolic intussusception over 15 years were retrospectively reviewed.


objective to investigate the significance of reserved ileocolic valve in the prevention of short bowel syndrome after extensive resection of small intestine.

目的 研究广泛切除小肠后(残留不足60 cm),保留回盲瓣在预防短肠综合征方面应用的意义。

Ileopexy is not better than simple manual reduction in preventing recurrence of ileocolic intussusception in children.


Patients with laryngeal or hypopharyngeal cancer after total laryngopharyngectomy had been treated with free ileocolic flaps for reconstruction of swallowing and voice function at the same time successfully.


Methods 12 healthy male SD rats were anaesthetized and heparinised. The right carotid artery, jugular vein and two distal ileocolic veins were cannulated for blood transfusion, volume compensation, drug infusion, and blood sampling respectively.


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ileocolic artery:回结肠动脉

回肠动脉 eleal arteries | 回结肠动脉 ileocolic artery | 阑尾动脉 appendicular artery

ileocolic artery:回肠结肠动脉

ileal arteries 回肠动脉 | ileocolic artery 回肠结肠动脉 | ileocolostomy 回肠结肠切开术

ileocolic vein:回结肠静脉

7,右结肠静脉 right colic vein | 8,回结肠静脉 ileocolic vein | 9,回肠静脉 ileal veins

ileocolic valve:回结瓣;后肠缢

回盲瓣 ileocaecal valve | 回结瓣;后肠缢 ileocolic valve | 回肠 ileum

ileocolic junction:回结肠连接

回盲褶 ileocaecal fold | 回结肠连接 ileocolic junction | 回肠 ileum

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