英语人>词典>英汉 : human capital的中文,翻译,解释,例句
human capital的中文,翻译,解释,例句

human capital

human capital的基本解释

人力资本, 技能资本

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In the process of determining the quantization model of enterprise residual income allocation for human capital, this paper: first, takes the value devoted by human capital as the base point, determines the total amount of enterprise residual income allocation and introduces the economic value added index into this study; secondly, starting with the external factors (i.e. the value devoted by human capital and the negotiating power of human capital and material capital in the enterprise) that influence the proportion of human capital in enterprise residual income allocation, evaluates the negotiating power of human capital and material capital in the enterprise by using fuzzy synthetical evaluation method and puts forward the quantization method and application model for allocating the enterprise residual income between the owners of human capital and material capital; at last, determines the prorate of value devoted by individual human capital on the basis of their respective positions and calculates the amounts for individual human capital to allocate the enterprise residual income in combination with the performance examination for each department and individual human capital in the enterprise.


The research discovered:(1) specialist human capital, cooperation social capital and mechanical organization capital support exploitation innovation, generalist human capital, entrepreneurial social capital and organic organization capital support exploration innovation;(2) two kind of intelligence capital structure, specialist human capital cooperative social capital, organic organizational capital and generalist human capital, entrepreneurial social capital, mechanistic organizational capital support contextual ambidexterity.


The creation point of this article is: first, it broke the traditional idea that peasant workers are common village labor force and human resources. It comprehends the knowledge of human capital economics and the city peasant workers, pointing that peasant workers is the most important part in country human capital, is an extremely important question in fully building well-off society. Second, we calculated the peasant workers\' human capital revenue rate by using Mincer model. Thirdly, we point out that country human capital is the new developing region in China economy, enriched the theory of village economy, labor economy, human biology economy, human resource and human capital economy.


更多网络解释 与human capital相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

human capital:人力资本

直到美国芝加哥大学的农业经济学家舒尔茨(Schultz)通过定量分析的方法,就学校教育的发展在多大程度上依赖于经济成长的关系,首次作了经济学上的测算以后,"人力资本"(human capital)的学说才正式建立.

human capital:管理

人本管理(Human Capital)和人际关系管理(human relations)是由美国管理学家乔治.埃尔顿.梅奥于上个世纪30年代根据霍桑实验的结论提出来的. 霍桑实验揭示了工人的工作积极性不仅仅由金钱驱动,个人的态度、心理满足、社会因素等也同样发挥决定性作用.

human capital:人力资源

而惟有开发企业人力资源(HUMAN CAPITAL),才能提高企业的生产力及竞争力. 在激烈的产业竞争中,员工(EMPLOYEE)才是企业最重要的资产,如果员工能力不足,企业也无法提升其竞争力. 因此,促使员工维持和发展卓越的工作能力,满足企业目前和未来的需要,

human capital:人才资本

传统观念中的"资本"只指房屋、工具、车辆等实物,经济学界从20世纪下半叶开始把区别于"劳力"的"人才资本"(human capital)也包括进来,还有"知识资本"(knowledge capital)、"智慧资本"(intellectual capital)等新概念.

Human Capital Management:人力资本管理

并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广服务,业务涉及互联网、出版、会展、广告、信息技术支持等,旗下品牌包括:全球领先的人力资源管理网站 -- "HR管理世界"(HRoot.com)、中国领先的人力资源高端期刊 -- ">" (Human Capital Management)、中国领先的人力资

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