hull [hʌl]
- hull的基本解释
船体, 壳, 皮
- Rice is gathered, cleaned and hulled before being sold.
- 稻子经过收割,筛清和去壳以后才出售。
- Would you help me hull these berries?
- 你能帮我将这些莓子的蒂梗除去吗?
- 相似词
- Hull
- 相关歌词
- Hull Or Hell
- Boat Parade
- Ballad Of The Great Eastern
- Into The Mouth Of Hell We March
- Butterbean
- On Stirring Seas Of Salted Blood
- 拼写相近单词
- hula
- hulas
- hule
- hulk
- hulked
- hulking
- hulks
- hulky
- hullaballoo
- hullabaloo
- hull所属的单词分类
Boat / 船
ski boat · shrimp boat · jet boat · drydock · cruise ship · boat lift · amphibious vehicle · PFD · PT boat · motor launch
Cooking / 烹饪
water filter · vegetable peeler · stir fry · steak knife · sauce pan · nut cracker · mortar and pestle · mixing bowl · measuring spoon · ice bucket
Pirate / 海盗
walk the plank · Skull and Bones · desert island · asea · Jolly Roger · yo-ho-ho · x marks the spot · Treasure Island · pieces of eight · outcasts
Transportation & Vehile / 交通运输
two-door · tractor-trailer · stretch limo · side wheeler · recreational vehicle · push cart · power boat · paddlewheeler · motor home · jet pack
- 更多 网络例句 与hull相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Hull war risk is an independent insurance separated from hull insurance, which posses some characteristics of hull insurance, the principles of the hull insurance therefore apply to it. On the other hand, the fact that the hull war risk become an independent insurance illustrates that it has some special natures such as the risks it covers are exclusive, the premiums categorize general and special one, the Notice of Termination Clause is so distinguished that not covered by the hull insurance. However, PICC hull war risk insurance is an additional insurance to its hull insurance, which is improper as an independent risk.
The following is the main works of the paper.1 The weight and the center of weight of the whole hull, analysis by statics the weight of steel, the equipment, oil, water, crew and cargoes etc., conclude a method of calculating the weight and the center of weight of the whole hull,2 Work out the series of formula of distributing the water pressure of wave to the corresponding nodes on the plate, conclude a method of calculating the flotage and the center of the flotage,3 Analysis the method of adjusting the equilibrium of the hull, the finite element module of the hull, and the character of the linetype, by ship statics principle, work out a series of formula of adjusting longitudinal slant, preliminarily confirm the parameter and the range,4 Program in FORTRAN, and link into ANSYS, for auto-loading when analyzing the whole hull by the FEA,5 Make the finite element module of a real hull, calculate the weight and the center of the weight, the flotage and the center of the flotage, compare the result of manual calculation with the computed result, analysis the deviation of the program.
3通过分析船舶常用浮态调整方法、船体结构有限元模型和船体线型特征,运用船舶静力学原理,推导船舶浮态纵倾调整公式,分析了基于船舶结构有限元模型的纵倾浮态调整方法和初步探讨了纵倾浮态调整中的参数确定方法以及初步确定这些参数的取值范围。 4用本文推导的计算方法和公式开发FORTRAN程序,并编译连接到有限元软件ANSYS中,用于进行整船结构有限元分析时自动加载计算。
The research development of ultimate strength of hull structure is summarized and the calculation method of ultimate strength of stiffened plate,hull plated grillage and hull girder is analyzed as well as the trial research on ultimate strength of hull structure .
- 更多网络解释 与hull相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
glia)赫尔大学(Hull) 诺丁汉大学(Nottingham) 贝尔法斯特皇后大学(Queen's Belfast)阿伯丁大学(Aberdeen) 纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle) 牛津布鲁克斯大学(Oxford Brookes)利兹大学(Leeds) 格拉斯哥大学(Glasgow) 伦敦大学亚非学院(Soas)萨里大学(Surrey) 伯明翰大学(Birmingham) 曼彻斯特大学(Manchester)卡迪夫大学(Cardif
品种:菲尔杜德(Fertodi) 哈瑞太兹(Heritage) 欧洲无刺红 ...品种:凯依娃 赫尔(Hull) 沙尼(Shawnee) 产地分别为:南京,江苏,北京
Tech III(T3)船舰是于>资料片中新增的船舰等级,目前游戏中仅有战略巡洋舰(Strategic Cruiser)一种,Tech III船舰是高度模组化的船舰,一艘船舰由船体(Hull)和五个不同部位的子系统(Subsystem)所组成,
我现在的工作流程里选取点要反复于进入多边形模式和返回细分模式....这真有点烦人,我知道我能显示出多边形的外壳(hull)但那首先很难全部简化显示. 还有,当对细分表面使用象加边这种工具时,
Hull University:赫尔大学
来自英国约克郡(Yorkshire)约克大学(University of York)与赫尔大学(Hull University)的研究人员,让45位年纪在50岁以上的骨关节炎病人佩戴了四种类型的手镯(分别用铜弱磁材料磁力较强材料和去磁材料制成),每一种佩戴四个星期.
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