英语人>词典>英汉 : host family的中文,翻译,解释,例句
host family的中文,翻译,解释,例句

host family

host family的基本解释


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Horticola , in which Compositae, Cruciferae, Laguminosae and Cucurbitaceae are the main families. It occurs seriously on lettuce, cauliflower, pea, rape and horsebean. The hosts can be divided into four types: the most fitting host, fitting host, preferable host and secondary host. The oviposition of C. horticola on 8 kinds of hosts selected was checked under microscope, which had proved the investigation of host suitability and lettuce is the favorite host.


Plutella xylostella larvae of a strain highly resistant to spinosad were used as hosts to rear the parasitoid Cotesia plutellae. When the parasitoids had developed to the stage of early instar larva, the host larvae were treated with 50 mg/L spinosad on the terga by topical application and then fed with cabbage leaves treated with 50 mg/L spinosad to allow the host larvae and the parasitoid larvae to develop. Three days after treatment, the parasitoid larvae inside the host were collected by dissecting the host larvae. The body fluid of P. xylostella and the bodies of parasitoid larvae were then analyzed with HPLC. Both of the active components, spinosyn A and spinosyn D, of spinosad were detected in the body fluid of host larvae and in the bodies of parasitoid larvae, and the residue concentrations were 2.79 mg/L and 0.94 mg/L in the host and the parasitoid respectively.

以对多杀菌素高抗的小菜蛾Plutella xylostella幼虫作为菜蛾绒茧蜂Cotesia plutellae的寄主,待绒茧蜂发育到1龄幼虫时,将浓度为50 mg/L的多杀菌素点滴到寄主幼虫背板上,随后让寄主幼虫取食经50 mg/L多杀菌素处理过的甘蓝叶片,寄主幼虫和其体内的蜂幼虫再发育3天后,将寄主幼虫解剖取出蜂幼虫,用高效液相色谱法对经多杀菌素处理的小菜蛾幼虫体液以及绒茧蜂幼虫匀浆液进行检测,结果多杀菌素的2个活性成分spinosyn A和spinosyn D均被检测到,两者的多杀菌素残留浓度分别是2.79 mg/L和0.94 mg/L。

The progress levels of symptoms after pathogen infection showed that interaction of gray leaf spot pathogen and host has differentiation or polymorphism. The progress levels of symptoms is different.The aggressively has polymorphism. The pathogenicity of different isolates in same cultivar has polymorphism, or the host reaction type of same isolate in different cultivars has polymorphism.The host reaction type has differentiation. There are seven types of host reaction in cultivar and inbred after infected by GLS pathogen:Rectangular lesion without chlorotic halo, Rectangular lesion with chlorotic halo,Irregular lesion without chlorotic halo,Irregular lesion with chlorotic halo, Spot lesion with chlorotic halo,Rectangular and irregular lesionand Rectangular and spot lesion. The host reaction type is coalesced lesion when disease severely. Frequency of each reaction types is different.


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host family:寄宿家庭

如果你要去语言学校的话,寄宿家庭(Host family)大概会是学校第一建议你去的地方,因为语言学校通常没有自己的学生公寓,而且住在英国家庭,对练习英语大有裨益,所以对于急于提高英文水平的你来说,寄宿家庭应该是第一选择.

host family:房东

按照里丁大学的安排,CUAC1一行32人到达英伦后,要到事先安排好的英国房东(Host family)家居住. 这件事成了很多人,特别是我这样二十年没开口说过英语的老同志心中的一个问号. 试想想,到一个语言不通的陌生老外家住宿,衣食住行如何能安,

host family:东道家庭

远的不说,我们读书时的"东道家庭"(Host family)的刘笑培先生,约在50年前,在帕沙迪纳市买了一栋住宅. 结果17名白人联署,要求他搬离新居,其依据就是当时全美房地产业仍在实施"种族限制惯例". 这封信,现在保存帕沙迪纳历史博物馆,

host family:住宿家庭

主要任务为促...朋友在网上问我,要来英国了,应该带些什么. 来英国小岛之前,到处打听应该带些什么. 朋友的弟弟那时已经在英国呆了两年多,在西部一个很冷的地方. 估计他遇到的住宿家庭(host family)属于不是很"慷慨"的那种,冬天也很...

my host family:我的寄宿家庭

53. I don't know what to try. try sth. 我不知道该尝试什么 | 54. my host family 我的寄宿家庭 | 55. take sb. to an Indian film festival 带某人去一个印度电影节

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