英语人>词典>英汉 : hospitality的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

hospitality [,hɔspi'tæliti]


殷勤, 款待, 亲切, 好客

  • The people of your village showed me great hospitality.
  • 你们村里的人对我非常殷勤好客。
  • The natives are noted for their hospitality.
  • 当地人以好客著称。
  • Many thanks for the hospitality you showed me.
  • 非常感谢你对我的款待。
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We are able to offer our clients a one-stop hospitality shop where hospitality businesses may receive recruitment and business solutions to grow their people, product and profit.


His creations won the highest accolades in several categories of the Asia Pacific Interior Design awards for consecutive years, and are highly credited in international hospitality design awards, like IIDA Annual Interior Design Competition, Gold Key Awards and Hospitality Awards in the US. The Company has been credited with over 70 design and corporate awards in Asia Pacific region and worldwide.

在2008年,梁氏已七度获得素有室内设计奥斯卡之称的Andrew Martin International Awards甄选为全球著名室内设计师之一;其作品亦连续数年于「亚太室内设计大奖」夺得多项最高殊荣,并获得多个国际设计奖项,如美国的IIDA国际室内设计年度大奖、酒店设计的Gold Key Awards及Hospitality Design Awards等,获得超过70项国际和亚太区设计及企业殊荣。

This paper uses the correlative theory of clusters, and based on the key point of programming denovo of Shenzhen city spatial arrangement and Baoan industry conversion upgrade, discussing the industry character and development strategy of interlocal hospitality clusters from several aspects, in order to provide tactics for the baoan hospitality development, and mak.


更多网络解释 与hospitality相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


伊迪斯科文大学(ECU)特别专于服务业学,如旅游(Tourism)及款待(Hospitality). 而教育学仍是ECU一向的重点学科. ECU提供学士、硕士 及博士学位课程. ECU有四大学院(Faculty)分别是:




学高级水平考试以及同等水平课程马类研究(Horse studies)涉及专业:人造环境和自然环境园林学(Horticulture)涉及专业:人造环境和自然环境、普通中等教育证书、中学高级水平考试以及同等水平课程酒店管理(Hospitality)涉及专业:体育、休


学制2年, 平均工资:58,281澳元技工(Trades)大专, 学制2年, 平均工资:50,985澳元教育(Education)学士, 学制4年, 平均工资:49,100澳元酒店(Hospitality)管理硕士, 学制1.5年, 平均工资:46,257澳元酒店(Hospitality)管理学士, 学制3年,

gracious hospitality:友好款待

由衷的谢意 heartfelt thanks | 友好款待 gracious hospitality | 正式邀请 officioa invitation

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