英语人>词典>英汉 : honest abe的中文,翻译,解释,例句
honest abe的中文,翻译,解释,例句

honest abe

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Gone is the J Mays-influenced Passat-on-'roids cum Ford Five Hundred with enough headroom for a stovepipe hat worn by none other than honest Abe himself.

已经是日本J梅斯影响的帕萨特上'roids兼福特Five Hundred有足够的余量的烟囱帽穿的不是别人,诚实的安倍晋三本人。

His respect for the rights of others, to win the "honest Abe" and the title.


He was also kind and honest. People called him "Honest Abe".


I wanted to learn《Honest Abe》tonight. But I felt a little tired.


Honest Abe is what he is called -- honest, kind, and truth.


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Honest Abe:知恩图报

714 自然的召唤 The Call of the Wild | 715 知恩图报 Honest Abe | 716 恶性循环 Vicious Cycle

Honest Abe:诚实的艾贝

The Oyster牡蛎 | Honest Abe诚实的艾贝 | Genghis Khan and His Hawk成吉思汗和鹰

Honest Abe:谍追谍

102 19 Hearts of Steel 鐵石心腸 | 126 1 Honest Abe 諜追諜 | 127 2 The 'Hood 新招出擊

Honest Abe:卢克的选择

156. The Call of the Wild 大自然的召唤 | 157. Honest Abe 卢克的选择 | 158. Vicious Cycle 恶性循环

Right. Okay, Honest Abe. Of course. I'm sorry. Great:好吧,你很诚实,你说的对

I must be honest.|我是实话实说 | Right. Okay, Honest Abe. Of course. I'm sorry. Great.|好吧,你很诚实,你说的对 | Come, now, Mr. President, put the little man down|好了,总统先生,把小家伙放下来