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It has become a cliché to state that our world is becoming increasingly homogenised.


A visual analysis of samples revealed that homogenised cultures appeared to be homogeneous in nature, however, a viability study showed that there was a 91% and a 100% drop in the number of viable c.f.u. after homogenisation for 5 s and 45 s, respectively.

视觉样品分析显示homogenised文化似乎是同质性的,但是,可行性研究表明,有91 %和100 %的降幅在有多少可行的CFU单一化后,为第5 和45 s ,分别。

Egg noodles, biscuits and sweet snacks were homogenised and added to the internal standard and anhydrous sodium sulphate.


Due to UWS wishing to make all campuses equal and the university as a whole homogenised, clear distinctions between each campus are small and hard to find.


If we were all homogenised, not only do the communities not want it — because actually each community wants to retain some of its own identity — but I think we would be the weaker for it.


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Milk, homogenised:均质牛奶

Milk, semi-skimmed 奶,撇去奶皮的 | Milk, homogenised 均质牛奶 | Milk, sterilised 消毒牛奶