英语人>词典>英汉 : homogenisation的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Firms are progressively stimulated by and dependent on localised capabilities in order to maintain and increase their competitiveness precisely because of the drive towards globalisation and the resulting homogenisation of formerly critical factors of production.


A visual analysis of samples revealed that homogenised cultures appeared to be homogeneous in nature, however, a viability study showed that there was a 91% and a 100% drop in the number of viable c.f.u. after homogenisation for 5 s and 45 s, respectively.

视觉样品分析显示homogenised文化似乎是同质性的,但是,可行性研究表明,有91 %和100 %的降幅在有多少可行的CFU单一化后,为第5 和45 s ,分别。

The Cone Shell method is often used in cases where homogenisation is not necessary. The pile is formed by depositing material in a single cone from a fixed position. When this conical pile is full, the depositing of material moves to a new position and a new cone is formed against the shell of the first one.


On the basis of his analysis, we point out that V-ing does not have the effect of homogenisation, and it can only restrict the scope of profile.


Based on the work presented in paper , a new homogenisation method for the analysis of assemblage of elastic contact bodies is proposed in this paper.

基于文献 [1]的工作,给出弹性接触颗粒状组成周期性结构材料宏观力学均匀化分析新方法。

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homogeneous rock 均匀岩石 | homogenisation 均化 | homogenization 均化


Homo 属 | homogenisation 均化作用 | homogeny 同源发生


like ideas 相似观点 | homogenisation 同质化,纯一化 | play down 降低,贬低,减少

homogenisation cast:铸锭

组播:muliti-cast | 铸锭:homogenisation cast | 连铸:Continuous cast