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更多网络例句与homogene相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In addition, using RT-PCR to detect expression of centrin homogene during Urechis unicinctus spermatid deferentiation and early embryonic development. The result revealed that (1) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during spermatid defferentiation including spermtid and sperm, but not in adult tissues including body wall tissue,intestinal mucous memberane cells and cell in coelom succus;(2) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is not present in unfertilized oocytes but present in that of released polar bodies after fertilization and parthenogenesis oocytes treated with A23187;(3) expression of HsCEN1 homogene is present during early embryonic development including two-cell stage,multicell stage,gastrula to trochophora.


Using the homogene cloning methed, we cloned a cDNA fragment of the CDPK from Dunaliella.

本实验研究的内容主要包括以下四个方面: 1。

This cardinal marketing principle is applied in the successful ceremony. This article summarizes the guidance to Qinhuangdao city marketing from the gorgeous opening ceremony of 2008 Olympic Games. Only applying USP principle can Qinhuangdao competed with so many homogene...


Pulsed power supply has anumber of advantages such as energy saving by about 30%,restraining are discharge re-liably,repressing the dffect of the hollow cathode,improving the homogene...


更多网络解释与homogene相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

homogene Koordinaten homeogeneous coordinates:齐次座标

homogen homogeneous 齐次的 | homogene Koordinaten homeogeneous coordinates 齐次座标 | homogenes Gleichungssystem homogeneous system 齐次组