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historical linguistics的中文,翻译,解释,例句

historical linguistics

historical linguistics的基本解释


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The traditional methods and theories are based on Structuralism and historical comparative linguistics.


This paper investigates the syntax in OE from the perspective of historical comparative linguistics.

本文从历史比较语言学的角度研究了句法学领域少有探讨的古英语(Old English,OE)的句法。

The research adopts the comparative methods and applies social linguistics and historical linguistics theory to study the variety formation and its future development.


The contributions that historical comparative linguistics made to foreign language education are the way of comparing languages and the theoretical justification for the use of such comparisons.


Comparative linguistics is a branch of historical linguistics that aims to study the relationships or correspondences between two or more languages and especially the differences they have.


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historical comparative linguistics:历史比较语言学

专名及政治制度是北族史研究者历来关注的问题,但过去的研究分属于并往往各自局限于历史比较语言学(historical comparative linguistics)、语文学(philology)和历史学等几个不同的领域.

Historical linguistics:历史语言学

不过,古希腊传统中这种宽泛的对"学问和文学[献]之爱"(love of learning and literature)后来渐渐被专业化为专指对语言的历史发展的研究,特别是到了19世纪,历史语言学(historical linguistics)研究在欧洲学界兴起,成为Philology的主流.

Historical linguistics:史语言学

同时,语言学界还有历史语言学(historical linguistics)的分法. 历史语言学通常研究一种或数种语言的语音系统、语法和词汇方面的短期变化和长期演化. 传统的历史语言学和比较语文学结合起来就孳乳出了历史比较语言学这个学科命名(historical-comparative linguistics).

Historical linguistics:历史语言学[廖

Hindi 印地語[陶] | historical linguistics 歷史語言學[廖349] | holistic typology 整體類型[廖331]

Trask, R. L. Historical Linguistics:(历史语言学),外语教学与研究出版社

35. Robins, R. H. General Linguistics (普通语言学概... | 36. Trask, R. L. Historical Linguistics (历史语言学),外语教学与研究出版社,2000. | 37. Woods, A. Et al. Statistics in Language Studies (语言研究中...

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