英语人>词典>英汉 : heavy bomber的中文,翻译,解释,例句
heavy bomber的中文,翻译,解释,例句

heavy bomber

heavy bomber的基本解释


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Rivets and a heavy bomber requires 400, 000 rivets.


Introduced in 1938, the Flying Fortress was the best heavy bomber of the first part of the war, but by later standards it had a fairly small bombload.

介绍了于1938年的飞行堡垒是最好的重型轰炸机的第一部分战争,但后来标准已相当小bombload 。

This is the classic American heavy bomber of world war two, the B-17G Flying Fortress "Sentimental Journey".


He bore down on the accelerator and the truck roared through its course like a heavy bomber.


Each deployed heavy bomber equipped with nuclear arms counts as just one warhead, and both countries have already been cutting above their current treaty obligations.


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heavy bomber:重型轰炸机

heaviness 沉重 | heavy bomber 重型轰炸机 | heavy cruiser 重型巡洋舰

heavy bomber:重轰炸机

heavy alloy 重合金 | heavy bomber 重轟炸機 | heavy jet 重型噴射機