heaven ['hevn]
- heaven的基本解释
天堂, 天空
- I was in heaven when I heard the news.
- 我听到这消息时高兴极了。
- I was in heaven at the news.
- 我听到这消息乐得飘飘然。
- By Heaven!
- 老天在上!
- May her soul rest in Heaven.
- 但愿她的灵魂在天国安息。
- 相似词
- Heaven
- 与heaven相关的词组
- in heaven:已死
- under heaven:究竟
- Heaven forbid:[口]但愿不会如此!千万不要这样!苍天不容!
- move heaven and earth:竭尽全力
- go to heaven:死去, 进天国
- 相关歌词
- Fucking In Heaven
- Gotta Make It To Heaven
- Heaven
- Disco Heaven
- Heaven
- If You Pray Right (Heaven Belongs To You)
- 更多 网络例句 与heaven相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Based on the research done by previous scholars, the article dwellsupon the following aspects, with the main thread of the development ofXuantian Heaven Emperor belief: probe into the origin of XuantianHeaven Emperor belief and points out Xuantian Heaven Emperor belief isa product of celestial body worship, animal worship and water worship;discuss the relationship between the Xuantian Heaven Emperor belief andpolitics in the Ming Dynasty and points out the flourishing of XuantianHeaven Emperor belief in the Ming Dynasty results from the promotion bytheir rulers, esp, Emperor Ming Cheng Zhu; probe into the relationshipbetween Xuantian Heaven Emperor belief and civil secret society andtouch upon the influnce of Xuantian Heaven Emperor belief in civil secretsociety; discuss the relation between Xuantian Heaven Emperor belief andliterature and formatire arts, as well as elaborate the mutual influencebetween Xuantian Heaven Emperor belief and formatire arts.
The Betweenness, for example, between heaven and earth is not heaven, earth, heaven and earth, heaven or earth, or anything else.
The four articles show the preliminarily philosophical transmutation on the view of moral between heaven and human made by Confucius on the basis of the ideas of heaven and human formed from the Xia, Shang,Western Zhou dynasties to the Spring and Autumn period; they reveal Confucius' orientation to think which transformed the traditional heaven as dominator into the moral heaven, and transformed the relationship between the subject and the metaphysical existence from external transcendence to innerness; thus they relieve Confucius as a keen and profound thinker at that time.
- 更多网络解释 与heaven相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
进入"天堂"(Heaven)的日子已经将近一年,他甚至都嗅得出自己身上那犀利而不同于以前玖尔少爷的味道. 如同华贵的宝剑,过去只因光华威严显得庄重,如今却已经真正被干裂嘶哑的风磨砺出了锋芒,只是划过空气都会有寒光和鸣响.
在马赫晚年的通信和论著中,多次涉及到对"涅槃"(Nirvana)的探讨,而很少提及基督教的术语"天国"(Heaven). 马赫倾向于佛教思想是一个毋庸置疑的事实. 在马赫提出思维经济原理前后,其他一些哲学家和科学家也先后提出过或提出了类似的思思.
(5)没有天堂,"天"(heaven)乃指教会来说的. 1.今人用B.C.与A.D.将世界纪元分成二段,B.C.(主前)乃Before Christ(耶稣基督降生前)的意思;A.D.(主后)则从拉丁文Anno Donmini而来,是"从主降生那一年起算"(In the Year of Our Lord)的意思.
从>(The Man ho Cred)中的舞女到>(The Gft)中拥有特异功能的单亲妈妈,从>(Bandts)中不甘平凡的女子到>(Heaven)中为夫缉凶的坚强女子,凯特-布兰切特演起来都是那么的游刃有余,
New Heaven:纽黑文
"10年前,耶鲁大学所在地纽黑文(New Heaven)的城市发展很不好,因为环境太差,治安不好,城市相对萧条,耶鲁大学的老师纷纷跳槽,好学生也不愿意到这个学校来,不少学生都选择了哈佛.
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