英语人>词典>英汉 : health department的中文,翻译,解释,例句
health department的中文,翻译,解释,例句

health department

health department的基本解释


更多网络例句与health department相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Many departments improve RUD cooperatively, including: management department of CMS and MA, health department, department of drug administration, department of industrial and commercial administration, commodity price department and media department.


To further reduce smoking in New York City, in 2006 the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene began an extensive, television-based antitobacco media campaign using graphic imagery of the health effects of smoking, which aired simultaneously with a large New York state antitobacco media campaign.

为使纽约市吸菸率降低的成效更佳,纽约市健康暨心理卫生局(Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,以下缩写为DOHMH)於2006年开始一个广泛性、以电视宣传为主的反菸媒体运动,其中采用吸菸所造成之健康影响的图像,该运动和一个大型的纽约州反菸媒体运动同时播出。

Thirty-fifth article of labor safety and hygiene supervision and inspection by the health department, department of production safety supervision and management, special equipment safety supervision and management department and other departments concerned in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations to implement.


更多网络解释与health department相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Department of Forensic Medicine:法医学

Faculty of Medicine 医学系 | -Department of Forensic Medicine 法医学 | -Department of Public Health 公众健康学

The health department.They frown on topless oncology:穿给卫生部看的 他们不赞同肿瘤科医生光膀子上班

You're wearing that shirt for someone.|这衬衫是特意穿给... | The health department.They frown on topless oncology.|穿给卫生部看的 他们不赞同肿瘤科医生光膀子上班 | You're gonna do a physical?|你打算让她...

Further Education Department:继续教育系

电与电子工程系Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering | 继续教育系Further Education Department | 护理与保健研究系Department of Nursing and Health Studies