英语人>词典>英汉 : head space的中文,翻译,解释,例句
head space的中文,翻译,解释,例句

head space

head space的基本解释

顶部空间, 灌头顶隙, 液(面)上(部)气体

更多网络例句与head space相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

She be head ed me, and flung my head into abstract space


She beheaded me, and flung my head into abstract space


Therefore, the living room just becomes dwelling house centre head space and a external window.


When I am busy at work I just don't have the head space or emotional energy to cope with doing anything else.


He tears and looked to hold his head high space Freesia, and all the other all-clear.


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更多网络解释与head space相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

head space:顶空

)挥发物的方法具有很大的破坏性. 先蒸馏,再用索格利特法提取,最后用真空分馏. 其结果,把水田芥普的降解物当成了其中的主要挥发物. 现在,科学工作者开始采用顶空(head space)分离法,从未受损伤的组织中获

head space:液面上空间

防波堤头断面 head section of breakwater | 液面上空间 head space | 起始注水量 head start

head space:顶部空间,顶隙;液面上部气体

aerospace food肮空航天食品 | head space顶部空间,顶隙;液面上部气体 | head space analysis液面上气体分析

head space response:液面上响应

head space gas chromatography ==> 顶空气相色谱法 | head space response ==> 液面上响应 | head span ==> 弹性软横跨

head space analysis:液面上气体分析

head space顶部空间,顶隙;液面上部气体 | head space analysis液面上气体分析 | sludge space淤积空间

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