英语人>词典>英汉 : have money to burn的中文,翻译,解释,例句
have money to burn的中文,翻译,解释,例句

have money to burn

have money to burn的基本解释


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I know you have money to burn,but don't bully me just because of that.


If you have a lot of money to burn,then maybe it's a good idea.


You would think we have money to burn.


But I still want to have money to burn.


Some people have money to burn, but I can't barely scrape the rent together every month.


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更多网络解释与have money to burn相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

have money to burn:钱多得花不完

18 for my money[口]在我看来,正合我意 | have money to burn钱多得花不完 | money talks金钱万能;有钱就有发言权;有钱能使鬼推磨

have money to burn:有用不完的钱

have mercy on 怜悯 | have money to burn 有用不完的钱 | have more sauce than pig 无礼

have money to burn:钱多得用不完

太阳将雾驱散. The sun burnt the fog off. | 钱多得用不完 have money to burn | 当务之急 one of the burning issues of our time

have money to burn:某人已经到了钱太多要烧掉的地步,所以此句是指某人"有花不完的钱

a flash in the pan . 昙花一现,转瞬即逝,多用来形容某事"持... | have money to burn. 某人已经到了钱太多要烧掉的地步,所以此句是指某人"有花不完的钱". | after one's own heart 称心如意,正中下怀. 此语源出圣经<...

She seems to have money to burn:她看起来有花不完的钱

67.I am not an impulsive buyer. 我不会冲动购物 | 68.She seems to have money to burn. 她看起来有花不完的钱 | 69.I am in the red. 我赤字

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