英语人>词典>英汉 : hang by a thread的中文,翻译,解释,例句
hang by a thread的中文,翻译,解释,例句

hang by a thread

hang by a thread的基本解释

千钧一发, 岌岌可危, 奄奄待毙, 缕息仅存

更多网络例句与hang by a thread相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blue sky hall Bird posture is very colorful, central end feather if,lengthen aureate silk thread, reproductive season male bird or back of the arch that admire a head, the two costal region since vertical stroke are fleeciness and the golden yellow that cent wraps around is acted the role of feather; Or the foot involves branch, hang by the feet all over, tremble bright and beautiful be like the feather like damask, what still keep singing love in the mouth is honey-tongued with a solemn pledge of love, look with the hen girls on attract, look.


更多网络解释与hang by a thread相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hang by a hair / thread:安危末定;千钧一发;处于紧急关头

She Won't hang back. 她是不会踌躇不前的. | hang by a hair / thread安危末定;千钧一发;处于紧急关头: | His life hung by a hair, but the doctors managed to revive him. 他生命垂危,但医生们设法把他救过来...

hang by a thread/hair:危在旦夕

hand-me-down别人用过的东西 | hang by a thread/hair危在旦夕 | haul someone up逮捕某人,把某人抓起来

hang by a thread/hair:千钧一发,处于危险中

* hang hang ----hung----hung熟义:悬挂,挂,吊 | hang by a thread/hair千钧一发,处于危险中 | His life hung by a thread他危在旦夕