英语人>词典>英汉 : hand feed的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
hand feed的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

hand feed

hand feed的基本解释

人力[手摇]推进, 人工加料[进料]

更多网络例句与hand feed相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

With the development of industrial technology, the type of stamping parts, the complex process of production requirements, as well as user-friendly, hand-feed the press because of the existence of production efficiency, speed, accuracy, security and other aspects of a range of issues, pressing the manual feed production has gradually shifted from automatically replaced by feed mechanism.


On one hand, feed, green to the animal store the agricultural and mechanical equipment such as results machine and large mower and component carry out feed to import provisional tax rate inferiorly.


Currently, vitamin prices have jumped has a very small space, the key is how long it can maintain a state of high prices, which will be subject to two factors, on the one hand, the domestic raw material prices of the leading business-to-vitamin weak, if the international correlation Game industry inversion occurred, the performance of domestic enterprises will also be affected, on the other hand, feed the downstream industries affected by the economic downturn, demand for vitamins, but also will affect the performance of the company.


更多网络解释与hand feed相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hand feed grinder:手进给磨床

手进给带锯 hand feed band-saw | 手进给磨床 hand feed grinder | 手摇泵 hand feed pump

hand feed grinder:手送碎木机

hand feed band-saw 手推带锯 | hand feed grinder 手送碎木机 | hand feed punch 手工穿孔机; 手进给穿孔机; 人工馈送穿孔机

hand feed punch:手工穿孔机; 手进给穿孔机; 人工馈送穿孔机

hand feed grinder 手送碎木机 | hand feed punch 手工穿孔机; 手进给穿孔机; 人工馈送穿孔机 | hand feed surfacer 手进刀平面刨床