habeas corpus
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WHEN discussing habeas corpus or the "Great Writ of Liberty", as the most revered legal device of the Anglophone world is often known, jurists and civil libertarians tend to become misty-eyed. In 1777 Charles James Fox, a radical British politician, described habeas corpus during a parliamentary debate on its suspension as "the great palladium of the liberties of the subject" and deplored the "insolence and temerity" of those "who could thus dare to snatch it from the people".
"人身保护令"或者"人身自由法令"通常被认为是英语国家最令人敬畏的法律措施,谈到它,法学家和公民自由主义者就会唏嘘不已。1777年,激进的英国政治家Charles James Fox在一场关于中止人身保护令的议会辩论中,将人身保护令描绘为国民自由的守护神,并厉声谴责那些胆敢从人民手中将其夺走的鲁莽傲慢之人。
Of the 19 cases,19 fetus were found,MRI confirmed 14 cases considered or suspected as fetal corpus callosum agenesis by US(8 cases are completed agenesis of corpus collosom-CACC,6 cases are partial agenesis of corpus collosom-PACC, and 5 cases had took on autopsy),however 3 cases are mild enlargement of lateral cerebral ventricle and 2 cases are leukodystrophy.In these cases,MRI confirmed a Dandy-Walker syndrome and a lipoma of corpus callosum suspected by US,detect a Dandy-Walker syndrome and a microcephalus made missed diagnoses by US.The fetal corpus callosum and additional cerebral anomalies were shown more clearly on MR T_2-weighted images.
According to the textual research of Corpus of Fan Chuan of the past dynasties and through the comparation of Notes on Fan Chuan Corpus and other editions of Fan Chuan Corpus, this paper conjectures the annotator of Notes on Corpus of Fan Chuan and confirmed that he was a Korean.
- 更多网络解释 与habeas corpus相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
habeas corpus:人身保护令
被宣判有罪者用尽向州法院上诉机会后,可向联邦地区法院(审判庭)提出"人身保护令"(Habeas Corpus)申请,宣称被关押在州监狱侵犯了他的受联邦法规保证的或宪法保护的权利(联邦犯人还可以向联邦法院申请定罪后平反,
habeas corpus:人身保护权
即使是在州法律系统内被判死刑,死刑犯在州内上诉失败后,还可以依据美国宪法中的"人身保护权"(Habeas Corpus)上诉到联邦法院. 死刑上诉往往会一路打到美国最高法院. 另外,死刑犯还可以呼吁总统或州长行政干预,宣布暂停执行、减刑或大赦等等.
habeas corpus:人身保护法
"生活在这种环境中的一个好处是,在阿拉哈巴德我恐怕是唯一一个能拼出法律体系(jurisprudence)和人身保护法(habeas corpus)的七岁小孩!"这位曾经被派驻到土耳其、美国、埃塞俄比亚和英国工作的印度外交官说. 小时候,
habeas corpus:人身保护
这次开出的"人身保护"给那些一直希望在本土"大展宏图"的残酷杀手打开了大门. (注:"人身保护"(habeas corpus)一词来自拉丁语,本意为"你有人身在场权"(you have the body). 根据美国最权威的>(Black's Law Dictionary)中的解释,
Habeas Corpus Act:人身保护法
为了落实>中保障人权的条款,英国国会在1679年又通过了>(Habeas Corpus Act),即提审法案. 如今,>的基本原则已经通行于文明世界了,成了现代宪政民主的精髓之一. 这一基本原则是:在逮捕任何人时,
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