gun dog
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He determined to revisit the scene of the last evening's gambol, and if he met with any of the party, to demand his dog and gun.
He determined to revisit the scene of the last evening's gambol, and , if he met with any of the party, to dem and his dog and gun
The dismay with which he searches for dog and gun after his long sleep, and his comical irresolution over signing the contract with Derrick—all these seem to be right out of life itself; that is, the ideal life, where things happen as we think they should.
I do think that a well trained dog could become part of a security plan. It should not be the entire program. I would suggest a dog, a gun and pepper gas.
The program provides an interface that enables you to record your podcast with your microphone, add background music and insert a variety of sound effects (meow, gun shot, dog bark and more than 100 others) to adda professional touch to your recording.
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gun dog:猎狗
烈性炸药/high explosives | 猎狗/gun dog | 猎野禽小船/sneak boat
national gun dog champion:abbr. ngdc; 全国枪猎犬冠军
national amateur gun dog champion:abbr. nagdc; 全国业余枪猎犬冠军