英语人>词典>英汉 : ground wire的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ground wire的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ground wire

ground wire的基本解释

[化] 避雷地线

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This product has double functions of ordinary ground wire and optical fiber cable.


You may also need to use a BNC terminator with a grounding wire to ground the network.

你还需要使用一个带接地线的 BNC 端接器将网络接地。

In order to haveit you can also use a ground wire and machine connected to the arkbase.


If the conditions allow, but also electric iron in the metal shell wraps part of a ground wire.


1The power harness is to be constructed of 14AWG wire for ground and return.


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更多网络解释与ground wire相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ground wire:地线

在1978 至1979 年间, Technics 重新设计了传动马达以及外观, 也把地线(Ground Wire) 分出来, 并出产了这款绝大部份的 DJ 都使用过, 而且是永不退流行的 涆echnics SL-1200 Mark2.计几年来, 也有几个新的制造厂商投入DJ 唱盘的制造,

ground wire:接地线

ground ways 下水滑道 | ground wire 接地线 | ground 土地

ground wire:避雷线

ground wave 地波 | ground wire 避雷线 | ground-air radio frequency 地空通信频率

ground wire:磨光钢丝 抛光钢丝 polished wire | 磨光钢丝 ground wire | 6.2.1 光面钢丝 bright steel wire

safe ground wire:安全地线

安全地线 safe ground wire | 安全特性 security feature | 安装线 hook-up wire

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