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绸坯, 坯绸

更多网络例句与greig相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

What makes this case stand out is the fact that this abuse went beyond the Greig family and extended into the Grampian Police Force who are there to protect us.


The usual approach is a nested analysis of variance of data from transects or grids.


Los Angeles City Councilman Greig Smith said American Maglev Technology would foot the bill for the system and has been working with the Southern California Association of Governments on its proposal.


更多网络解释与greig相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Venus As A Boy:男神维纳斯

2007"展演"主要推出大卫格雷格(David Greig)和塔姆迪安伯恩为苏格兰国家大剧院(The National Theatre Of Scotland)创作的改编自卢克萨瑟兰(Luke Sutherland)小说>(Venus as a Boy)的两部剧作,斯坦的>、<<过滤器

Benedikt Herrmann:《对背叛的厌恶:来自巴西、中国、阿曼、瑞士、土耳其及美国的证据>

> Daron ... | > Iris Bohnet, Fiona Greig, Benedikt Herrmann, Richard Zeckhauser | <<女性社会化:女儿如何影响她们的立法...

Billy McNeill (Celtic F.C:比尔.麦克尼尔

1990: 吉姆.贝特 Jim Bett (Aberdeen F.C.) | 1965: 比尔.麦克尼尔 Billy McNeill (Celtic F.C.) | 1966: 约翰.格雷格 John Greig (Rangers F.C.)