英语人>词典>英汉 : greenish-blue的中文,翻译,解释,例句




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Subheading Explanatory Note.This Subheading covers cheese containing visible veins in the body of the cheese that may be blue, green, greenish-blue or whitish-grey in colour ,such as Bleu d'Auvergne, Bleu de Causses, Bleu de Quercy, Blue Cheshire, Blue Dorset, Blue Wensleydale, Cabrales, Danish Blue,Gorgonzola, Mycella,Roquefort, Saingorlon and Stiltion, as well as cheeses with proprietary or trade names, provided they meet the above criterion.


Sharp, spicy blue with wonderful creamy texture. Some of finest Italian Gorgonzolas still aged in caves. Cylinders varying in size from 13 to 29 pounds. Thick, coarse reddish-gray rind with powdery patches. Pale cream with greenish-blue veined paste."Dolce" version very creamy, more perishable and less piquant.


They're a sort of greenish-blue colour.


The sky is a sort of greenish-blue color.


When electricity use is low the flower glows a healthy greenish-blue and stands tall and open.


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