英语人>词典>英汉 : green surface的中文,翻译,解释,例句
green surface的中文,翻译,解释,例句

green surface

green surface的基本解释

绿地, 未加工面, 新铺面层

更多网络例句与green surface相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Focusing on the problem of the nature of the high velocity surface acousticsmode,we investigate the standard of judging which a wave is a surface wave,present the Green function of a pseudo-SAWand a longitudinal-wave headwave,thus developing the theory for generalized Green's function of surfaceexcitation of a piezoelectric crystal,with the hope to systematize this theory.


For further criterion on the nature of the high-velocity surface-acoustic mode isPSAW or the high-velocity surface-head wave(or longitudinal-wave head wave)wedevelop,the established generalized Green's function theory for the surfaceexcitation The precise expression and its numerical results of Green's function forPSAW is presented,as the contribution of complex pole.


The numerical results of stationary and transient Green'sfunction for high-velocity surface-head wave on some selected crystals are comparedThrough the above analyse,it is indicate that the first arrival wave mode is thelongitudinal-wave head-wave,and its propagate velocity is equal to the groupvelocity of the longitudinal bulk wave alone the surface.Furthermore,this modedoes not have the Δv/v effect,i.e.,its velocity is the same no matter the surface isfree or metalized.


更多网络解释与green surface相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

surface integral:面积分

后来在学多元微积分(又称向量微积分)时,我们会学到各种新的积分,如二重积分、三重积分、曲线积分(Line Integral)、面积分(Surface Integral)以及更多积分定理,包括格林定理(Green's Theorem )、高斯定理(Gauss' Theorem)和斯托克斯定理(Stokes' Theorem),

surface roughness:地表粗糙度

1998-2000年,主持国家自然科学基金的青年基金,进行了基于季相与经度特征的中国土地覆盖变化研究,提出了我国南北间地表覆盖变化的绿波推移(green moving)规律和东西间森林到草原到荒漠景观生态演替定量化指标,用地表粗糙度(Surface roughness)来进行完全定量化实

speckled surface:斑纹状表面

speckled green ware 飞青器 | speckled surface 斑纹状表面 | spectacle blind 带双圈的盲板