英语人>词典>英汉 : grain的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

grain [grein]

第三人称单数:[grains]  动词过去式:[grained]  过去分词:[grained]  现在分词:[graining]  

颗粒, 谷类, 纹理, 谷物, 谷粒, 细粒, 粮食

  • There isn't a grain of truth in his statement.
  • 他的声明里没有一点是真实的。
  • Not a grain of rice was wasted.
  • 一粒米也没有浪费。
  • The mahogany table has a fine grain.
  • 那张红木桌纹理精美。
  • Farmers grow grain and keep cattle.
  • 农民种谷养牛。
  • There is a grain of sand in his eye.
  • 他眼里有一粒沙子。




v. granulate
n. speck · finish · bit · texture · seed · temper · particle · disposition · character · tendency · nature · fiber
Plant / 植物 [187]

vascular plant  ·  terminal bud  ·  simple leaf  ·  sea weed  ·  sage brush  ·  petrified wood  ·  opposite leaves  ·  lateral bud  ·  lanceolate leaf  ·  incomplete flower

Food & Eating / 食物与饮食 [541]

salsa  ·  spork  ·  prime rib  ·  pork chops  ·  mochi  ·  meatloaf  ·  lima beans  ·  hot sauce  ·  dandelion greens  ·  caramel apple

Measure / 测量 [155]

square centimeter  ·  picometer  ·  picoliter  ·  megapixel  ·  cubic inch  ·  cubic centimeter  ·  cord foot  ·  square yard  ·  cubic meter  ·  nanometer

更多 网络例句 与grain相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In this research, the ~ and F2 of the crosses between a natural mutant 慪34?with super-minute grain and 慪38?with super-large grain,慡huhui 881擲huhui 527?with middle grain size were carried out to study the inheritance of the grain shape (grain length, grain width, grain thickness and grain length/width ratio) and 1000-grain weight. The main results are summarized as below:? The F1 grain length, grain width, grain thickness and 1000-grain weight of three crosses were lay between the two parents and tended to Y34, which indicated that those grain traits were all governed by the dominant effect of Y34 and influenced by both female and male parents. The differences of F1 grain length, grain width, grain thickness and 1000-grain weight of positive and negative crosses between Y38 and Y34 indicated the existence of cytogene effects.? The broad heritabilities of major grain traits were calculated.

本研究利用一份水稻极小粒自然突变材料Y34与一份水稻极大粒材料Y38、两份常规籽粒大小材料蜀恢881、蜀恢527的杂交F_1及F_2,对主要粒形性状(粒长、粒宽、粒厚、长宽比)及千粒重进行了遗传研究,根据遗传研究的结果利用微卫星标记结合F_2群分法对控制Y34短粒性状基因进行了分子标记定位,主要结果如下:●各组合F_1粒长、粒宽、粒厚和千粒重介于双亲之间且明显偏向于小值亲本 Y34,这表明粒长、粒宽、粒厚和千粒重均主要受小值亲本显性基因的控制并同时也受大值亲本核基因的影响。Y34与Y38正反交F_1在粒长、粒宽、粒厚、千粒重等性状上存在差异,表明存在细胞质效应。

Result Richards Model and Monodic Quadratic Equation could properly describe grain dry matter growing process and the change process of grain filling rate with days after anthesis. There was big difference in average grain filling rate, maximum grain filling rate under different planting density. Average grain filling rate 1.26 mg/ and maximum grain filling rate 2.44 mg/ of T7 were the quickest, and the average grain filling rate 0.94 mg/ and maximum grain filling rate 1.99 mg/ of T12 were the slowest, and the maximum difference percentage of the average grain filling rate and maximum grain filling rate among different density were 33.98%, 22.61%. There was significant correlation between average grain filling rate, maximum grain filling rate, grain filling active duration, rapid increasing stage and thousand grain weight, and the correlation coefficients were 0.628*, 0.630*, 0.849**, 0.739**. Active grain filling duration contributed mostly to TGW.


The results were as follows, the total cultivated area of Liaoning province has declining tendency in recent 26 years, the total grain yield and the grain yield per unit area increased in "wave" style; the grain yield per unit area and total planting area had the great effect on total grain yield, and the effect of yield per unit area on total grain yield is bigger than that of planting areas; the yield and the planting area of different crops also affected total grain yield greatly, and maize, rice, durra, wheat affect the total grain yield by grain yield per unit area, while millet, maize, wheat affect the total grain yield through planting area changing.


更多网络解释 与grain相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


对于形态方面指导不够. 他用"纹理"(grain)一词来形容一个城市的特征,这和我们研究的城市肌理的提法、...


视觉心理期待是一面纯白的颜色,如果上面布满了不同颜色的小点而双眼能辨认出来时,这样的视觉感受,就会是『颗粒感』. 影响影像(在这里指的是最后呈现在相纸上的)颗粒(grain)的大小原因,来自於底片本身性质的部分大概是:


(sure)第三段:第二种理论是说化学腐蚀断裂的发生是因为合金原子之间的结合是不均匀的,在组成合金的 晶粒(grain)之间不稳定,在化学物质作用下会发生晶粒内部的断裂,但是这种理论也有缺陷,


关于尺度的定义有许多方式,在景观生态学中,尺度主要是指空间和时间上的粒度(grain)和幅度(extent). 任何景观现象和生态过程均具有明显的尺度特征,景观特征通常会随着研究尺度的变化而出现显著差异. 以景观异质性为例,

grain depot:粮食仓库

32. 拉动经济增长: fuel economic growth | 33. 粮食仓库: grain depot | 34. 粮食收购企业: grain collection and storage enterprise

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