grade [greid]
- grade的基本解释
等级, 年级, 成绩, 程度, 坡度, 斜坡
- He received a failing grade on the term paper.
- 他的期末报告不及格。
- The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall.
- 这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级。
分级, 评分, 分等, 记成绩
- The pearls are carefully graded.
- 这些珍珠的等级分得很仔细。
- The teacher spent all weekend grading the children's papers.
- 那位教师花了整个周末给孩子们的试卷打分数。
属于某等级, 逐渐变化
- The colors graded gradually from orange to yellow.
- 这些颜色逐渐地从橙色变成黄色。
- 相似词
- grade的同义词
- v. arrange · place · mark · rate · sort · group · classify · rank
- n. hill · incline · mark · level · slope
- 与grade相关的情景对话
- 校园生活 / Spelling-(拼音)
You know, Ralph, since I started speaking English all the time my pronunciation's getting better and even the grammar's beginning to make some sense. But I don't think I'll ever be able to spell.
You're not alone there.I have trouble with spelling too. When I was in grade school. I learned which words were the most frequently misspelled. But I never did learn how to spell them.
不是你一个人如此。我在拼音方面也有困难。当我上小学的时候,我知道哪些词是经常拼错的, 但我没有学会如何拼这些词。
Since it's so difficult, why is it so important to learn how to spell properly?
Because if you spell satisfactorily, you're considered educated.If you don't, you're not.
因为如果你能准确无误地拼音,人家就会把你看作受到教育的人。 否则,在别人眼里你是个缺乏教育的人。
- 更多 网络例句 与grade相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Basic fertilizer (organic fertilizer 500kg/667m2) add medium-term (organic fertilizer 500kg/667m2) facilitates favor to high-yield with the best conprehensive quality;density(40cm×60cm)with the highest yield; plastic mulching can significantly increase plant height, leaf width, leaf length, mature leaves, basal culm thickness, the first grade cormels weight and the second grade cormels weight; the first grade cormels of red sprout clocasia escalenta weight and yield had the obvious phenomenon of rapid growth in the medium expansion period of clocasia escalenta (July 14); an appropriate increase in plant height and stem yield was conducive to the increase in corn yield, the increase in corn yield favor to the first grade cormel numbers, the first grade cormel yield, the second grade cormel numbers, the second grade cormel yield, and thus obtain a higher yield.
Results: Of the 22 cases, the draining veins, which were observed through MR brain surface anatomy scanning, were highly coincidence with the findings in the operation. The myodynamia of the one case whose myodynamia was grade 0 preoperation was grade IV one month after operation, the one case whose myodynamia was grade II preoperation was grade IV two weeks after operation, the one case whose myodynamia was grade III preoperation was grade IV three months after operation, and the patient recovered normal eight months later, the two cases whose myodynamia was grade IV total recovery after 2 months .
结果:22例患者的术前磁共振脑表面成像中脑表面回流静脉与术中所见高度一致。1例肌力0级患者术1月恢复至 IV 级,1例 II 级患者术后2周恢复至 IV 级,1例 III 级患者术3月恢复至 IV 级,随访8月患者对侧肢体肌力恢复正常,2例 IV 级患者术后2月完全恢复。
Through difference significance tests and analyses, it finds that (1) man students more possibly form identity achievement, and woman students more possibly form identity foreclosure and identity diffusion; and (2) the difference of self-identity status between man and woman students is associated with various domains; and (3) self-identity status between man and woman students have some similarities that identity exploration has the same importance to both; and (4) grade-one is a period when students face up to more identity crises, and grade-two is key period of identity formation, and grade-three is a developmental period of identity that provides the basis for re-solution of the emergence of new identity crises in grade-four;(5) there is a gradually enhanced direction from lower self-identity statuses to advanced ones from grade-one to grade-three, but there is also a direction that reentry into the identity crisis by grade-four. It indicates that the identity achievement formation does not mean the end of development of self-identity and proves that there is a continuous MAMA cycle in self-identity development; and (6) that students self-identity status mainly is identity moratorium provides some evidence for which there is a Moratorium in student development, and which self-identity formation is not easy; and (7) the development of student self-identity is associated with various domains, what students pay most attention to firstly is vocation, secondly life philosophy, and lower interesting in political and religious domains in ideology; for relational domains, students pay more attention to dating and friendship compared to sex role and recreation domain.
- 更多网络解释 与grade相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
有学生student:学号(studentID),姓名(Name),年龄(Age),性别(Sex),年级(Grade) 有分数score:语文,数学,英语 现按照范式,规范的设计数据库表结构,要考虑学生的升级情况.并完成下列要求: 查询给定学生的学生成绩这样好像行啦,
☆ 品名(Name) 高档纯棉割绒绣花毛巾☆ 等级(Grade) 一等品☆ 颜色(Color) 红色、紫色、蓝色☆ 成分(Composition) 纯棉
多发性创伤的伤者,采行非手术处理并没有较高的死亡率,也就是不再局限於单纯的肝脾外伤而已,肝脏伤害的程度(grade)也不再局限轻微的等级. 对於脾脏的非手术结果,虽然年龄、伤害程度和出血量三者有较高的失败比例,
现以成年猫组的喜玛拉雅为例,首先按照颜色(Color)可分为4CAA注册猫组的比赛比较复杂,比赛由不同级别(Grade) 、品种(Breed)、颜色(Color)、性别(Sex)遂次分项开始评选,如金字塔般筛选至最后由每个全猫种裁判各自评选出前十名猫只(Top 10 Cats).
grade:abbr. graphical application development environment; 图形应用开发环境
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