gopher ['gəufə]
- gopher的基本解释
- 相似词
- 相关歌词
- Gopher Guts
- Didn't It Rain
- One Way Ticket
- Gangsta Music
- A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When the Stripper is Crying
- Hunter Of Invisible Game
- 拼写相近单词
- gophering
- gophers
- gopherwood
- gopher所属的单词分类
Animal / 动物
woolly rhinoceros · woolly mammoth · woolly bear caterpillar · wild cat · western meadowlark · Umbrellabird · Treefrog · thresher shark · Swallowtail Butterfly · spiny lizard
- 更多 网络例句 与gopher相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
It may share a burrow with a gopher tortoise, for which it is often called gopher snake.
The detailed and thorough analyses of the four images of protagonists are carried out in the second section. They are respectivelyCarol in Main Street, a brave young bride who faces the cultural conflicts with enthusiasm of reformation, and whose dream is still alive waving despite the final return to the parochial Gopher Prairie; Babbitt in Babbitt, the typical "TBM", who is in nature a conformist and doomed to be bounded but tries to escape and finds only failure; Arrowsmith in Arrowsmith, a young medical scientist with grand dream and determination in truth-seeking; and Dodsworth in Dodsworth, a rich, generous, considerate, diligent and down-to-earth car producer.
And as the colors in the sky began to fade, Little Gopher gazed at the white buckskin and he was happy.
- 更多网络解释 与gopher相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
卡尔加里的囊地鼠(gopher)数量呈爆炸式增长,有害动物公司正疲与应付. 这种啮齿类动物频繁的出现在公园、田野和居民住宅,四处打洞并制造安全问题.
那一年是1991年,发明的名字叫做"地鼠"(Gopher). 感谢众多志愿者的努力,地鼠很快的发展开来. 一些地鼠爱好者们相信,这种协议已经胜过了万维网协议. 当时,新闻组(Usenet)甚至是更加革命性的一种发展.
全球资讯网对现今网际网路 (Internet) 的影响,一方面是网路浏览器 (Browser ) 的发展让使用者可以用一个工具做很多动作,包括小田鼠资讯系统 (Gopher) 程式透过浏览器可以直接阅读网路上的文章、档案传输协定 (FTP ) 程式可以
比如电子邮件和list server在网络的初起到80年代占有主导地位;而90年代初期,考访(Gopher)改变了整个组织的结构;万维网浏览器如Mosaic,Netscape和InternetExplorer以字符为基础的平台转移到了各种媒体相结合的平台.
gopher:abbr. (the internet gopher protocol); 网际资源搜索服务协议〖因特网〗
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