英语人>词典>英汉 : goodness of fit的中文,翻译,解释,例句
goodness of fit的中文,翻译,解释,例句

goodness of fit

goodness of fit的基本解释

[计] 拟合优度

更多 网络例句 与goodness of fit相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Following the framework proposed by Venkatraman(1989), this study identifies and tests five perspectives of fit between human capital investment and innovation strategy-fit as mediation, fit as interaction, fit as matching, fit as ideal type, fit as gestalts.


In this paper the distribution functions of pillar stress are given by kolmogorov goodness of fit test according to the data of the measured stress of pillars.The results show that the distribution functions of pillar stress are normal distribution N(μ,σ 2), and they are in accord with the conclusion drawn by Anderson and Darling goodness of fit test.


We,if analyzing the goodness and evilness of science and technology from view of meta-ethics,can get a deeper understand for ethics of science and technology,and form a new perspective of meta-ethics,which provides semantic guideline to exculpate the goodness and evilness of science and technology and help us achieve more effectively the goodness of science and technology.


更多网络解释 与goodness of fit相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

goodness of fit:拟合优度

OLS 通过使得样本观测数据的残差平方和似然(likelihood)即概率,特别是由自变量观测值预测因变量观测值的(二)拟合优度(Goodness of Fit)统计量实际应用中,经常采用分类表(Classification Table)来反映拟合效果.

goodness of fit:適合度

Hursh et al.(1988) 所发展的等式合实验资料的适合度(goodness of fit)也相当好. 由这些结果可了解单位价格的概念具有些限制,并非可适用于各种程序,至少progressive ratio就不适合. 行为经济学的未来 对于行为经济学或许会有这样的怀疑:『行为经济学会不会成为经济学理论的动物模型?

goodness of fit:配适度

一、模型的配适度(goodness of fit) 意味著模型与样本间的一致程度,模型是否能适切地描述所采用的资料.

goodness of fit:吻合度

20世纪90年代,在儿童发展领域,"吻合度"(goodness of fit)理论逐渐受到关注. 该理论由Thomas和Chess于1977年提出,主要观点是当儿童特征与环境的要求不吻合或者不匹配时,就增加了孩子被环境排斥的可能性. 吻合度概念涉及个体与环境在许多方面的匹配,

goodness of fit:abbr. gof; 和适合度

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