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goblin shark的中文,翻译,解释,例句

goblin shark

更多网络例句与goblin shark相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Little is known about the mysterious goblin shark, which normally stays near the bottom of the ocean.


The Goblin Shark can amazingly dive down to incredible depths of more than 3900 feet in search for its favorite mealtime snacks, such as octopus, crabs and jacopever.


The Goblin shark possess a mouthful of jagged, razor-sharp teeth that petrude wickedly from its strong, muscular jaws.


A rare goblin shark—a "living fossil" that closely resembles ancient shark species—was caught alive on January 25, 2007, in Tokyo Bay, only to die within days.


Growing to lengths up to 12.6 feet, the Goblin shark is the spooky dark shadow lurking just beneath swimmers' flailing legs in the deepest salt waters worldwide.


更多网络解释与goblin shark相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

goblin shark:剑吻鲨

剑吻鲨(Goblin Shark)非常罕见,这对于我们来说并非坏事. 剑吻鲨生活在海面以下数千英尺深处,拥有半透明皮肤,这令其身体呈桃红色. 研究人员认为,剑吻鲨头顶奇特的剑状物内有一套先进的电感受器系统,帮助它们在漆黑一片的海洋深处寻找猎物.