英语人>词典>英汉 : go to the people的中文,翻译,解释,例句
go to the people的中文,翻译,解释,例句

go to the people

go to the people的基本解释


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I : I know this point. And I want to know what kind of people go to the English corner.


If you go to the People's Square, you will find Shanghai Grand Theatre.


He is willing to go to the aid of those ill-fated people.


What will you do if you go to the old people's home visit ?


I go to the stadium, the people, they like it.


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更多网络解释与go to the people相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

go to the old people's home visit:去老年之家参观

13.study for the test 为考试做准备 | 14.go to the old people's home visit 去老年之家参观 | 15.become a professional soccer player 成为一名职业足球运动员

go to the old people's home visit:参观敬老院

17. leave the gym 离开体育馆 | 18. go to the old people's home visit 参观敬老院 | 19. school clean-up 学校大扫除

go to the old people's house visit:去敬老院看老人

7. You can't do that 你不能那么做 | 9. go to the old people's house visit 去敬老院看老人 | 10. do a school clean-up 大扫除

i dont go to the movies, stupid people are there:喜欢的电影

喜欢的电影i dont go to the movies, stupid people are there | 最近观看的电影collateral damage | 我听的音乐rape your mother, kill your sister music

Go to the old people's home. - Oh,yeah,yeah:去老年之家 - 噢 好的 好的

Nice money,easy.|报酬很丰厚 来钱很容易 | - Go to the old people's home. - Oh,yeah,yeah.|- 去老年之家 - 噢 好的 好的 | Dance for them again. They love you.|为他们再跳一次 他们很爱你

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