go in for farming
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- 种地
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The four well-known skeleton hydro-power stations of West-East Electricity Transmission Project, named Xiangjiaba, Xiluodu, Baihetan and Wudongde from the lower reaches of Jinshajiang River to upriver reaches, are all distributed in this area. Based on the analysis of the resource exploitation and industry sustainable development status, current problems and future scenarios, the main conclusions go as follows:(1) There are abundant and varied agricultural resources, widely distributed mineral resources with valuable predominant minerals, potential tourism resources, but some main problems such as lower level of exploration and development, serious waste and pollution, restraints of financing and transportation and eco-environmental frangibility still call for immediate solution;(2) Regional economy develops fast but the overall level is low-farming and animal husbandry industries, In which crop-plantation takes the main part, dominates in the sectional structure of economy, and forestry and specialty industries need to be further developed. The existed restraints such as unbalanced structural and regional economic distribution, acute structural deficiency and low economic efficiency need to be cleared out, of the way to a sustainable future.