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It is advantageous to the useful performance of fabrics treated with cellulase. In addition, UV and HLPC further confirm that the endo component first clips a cellulose chain by cleaving internal glucosidic bonds; this is followed by the production of cellobiose from the nonreducing end of the chains by the exocomponent. The final step would be production of glucose from cellobiose by cellobiase.This paper also used Fuzzy sets and Expert system to develop a tool for evaluating the whole properties of fabrics. This system is an intellectual computer procedure, which has great flexibility. It ca


The Chitinase of Saccharomyces cerevisiae(CTS1-2) is an Endochitinase which is endogenous in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Its recognition and slipt site lies in the β-1,4 glucosidic linkage of homopolymer. Included in the amino acid sequence from N-terminal to C-terminal of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae chitinase are signal peptide sequence, catalytic domain, binding domain and a C-terminal shorten region.


There is a high peak at 67.3ppm in the (13)~C NMR, which indicates the existence of 1 - 6 glucosidic bond.

多糖的~(13)C NMR谱中,在67.3ppm出现一个较高的峰,说明多糖结构中C-6发生了取代,即存在1→6糖苷键。

Processing conditions have large effects o n isoflaviones glucosidic forms.


Cellulose is a linear polysaccharide of glucose residues connected by β-1,4- glucosidic linkages.

纤维素是葡萄糖藉由beta-1,4 linkage 所链结形成的直线状多糖体。

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glucosidic bond:葡萄糖甙键

glucoside 葡萄糖甙 | glucosidic bond 葡萄糖甙键 | glucosidic lickage 葡萄糖甙键

glucosidic bond:糖苷键

double-bonded nitrogen双键氮 | glucosidic bond糖苷键 | glycosidic bond糖苷键

glucosidic lickage:葡萄糖甙键

glucosidic bond 葡萄糖甙键 | glucosidic lickage 葡萄糖甙键 | glucuronic acid 葡萄糖尾酸

glucosidic hond:糖苷链

glucosidic hond 糖苷链 | glucosido-fructofuranosid 蔗糖;葡糖(苷基)-呋喃果糖苷 | glucosidolytic 解苷的

glucosidic bond, glucosidic linkage:葡萄糖<>键

葡萄糖<> glucoside | 葡萄糖<>键 glucosidic bond, glucosidic linkage | 葡萄醛酮糖 glucosone