英语人>词典>英汉 : gibbus的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

gibbus ['dʒibəs]


[医] 驼背

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Combining the calculation of Gibbus free energy, we discussed the thermodynamic mechanism of synthesizing a-SiC from Si〓N〓.


From the point of the general criterion of equilibrium—— Clausius inequality ,we discussed the various expressions of criteria in terms of the entropy,the Helmholtz energy,the Gibbus energy and the reversibility of physical and chemical changes in different processes with the specified constraint conditions.


The horizontal and vertical first derivatives of magnetic anomalies of an infinite cylinder are calculated by the cosine transform method, in which the maximum errors are -028 nT/m and 047nT/m, respectively and the percent errors are generally within -357%~327% and -194%~188%, respectively except several data of the boundary and part are bigger because of remains of Gibbus effect. The calculating curve and theoretical curve are approximately coincident, and there is no influence by effective magnetic dip angle in computing.

利用余弦变换法计算的无限长水平圆柱体磁异常水平和垂向一阶导数的最大误差分别为-028 nT/m、047 nT/m;水平一阶导数的误差一般在-357%~327%之间,垂向一阶导数的误差一般在-194%~188%之间;计算的磁异常一阶导数值与理论值大致重合,而且不受有效磁化倾角的影响。

In model experiments, we find that the deviation of the first derivative calculated by Fourier transform is very large to comparing with the theoretical derivative, but the fitting effect of the derivative of anomalies calculated by cosine transform is very good. The calculation accuracy of data are all very high except that errors of several data on the boundary are large because of the residual Gibbus effect induced by finite truncation of gravity anomalies. Errors are -009%~5%.


The tuberculosis: destraction of vertebral body and intervertebral disc and formation of sequester, disc collaps, gibbus deformity, osteoporosis and paraspinal abscesses with and without calcifications.


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更多网络解释与gibbus相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


1.脊柱后凸(kyphosis)即脊柱过度后弯,多发生于胸段,也称驼背(gibbus). 检查时可发现胸部塌陷,腹部向前凸出. 脊柱胸段后凸原因很多,表现也不尽相同. 如小儿脊柱后凸多为胸椎锥体结核引起,病变常发生在下胸部,由于锥体破坏,


玉米 Gibberella zea,corn,maize | 隆凸 gibbus | 禽内脏 giblets

Lutjanus gibbus:隆背笛鲷

维基笛鲷 Lutjanus fulvus | 隆背笛鲷 Lutjanus gibbus | 四线笛鲷 Lutjanus kasmira

Phrynops mesoclemmys , gibbus Gibba turtle:裙边龟

疣背龟 Phrynops vanderhaegei , Vanderhaege's toad-headed turtle | 裙边龟 Phrynops mesoclemmys , gibbus Gibba turtle | 红腿亚马逊侧颈龟 Phrynops rufipes , Red-footed Amazon side-necked turtle