英语人>词典>英汉 : getable的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

getable ['getəbl]



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These films recorded and re produced vividity and accurately th e un-for -getable period,forcefully charged the wars which brought about gre at sufferings and disasters to peopl e,ana-lyzed the roots of wars with profundi ty from cultural and historical pers pectives,and revealed a distinct an tiwar theme,thus leaving a splendid page i n the film h...


The name branded cologne is getable on the incurring of fair amount of money .

名称品牌科隆是 getable 就招致了相当多的钱。

While the expenses of a wedding are significant, there are some excellent affordable honeymoon packages getable.

虽然费用的婚礼是重大的,也有一些出色的负担蜜月包getable 。

While the expenses of a wedding are significant, there are some excellent affordable honeymoon packages getable.

虽然费用的婚礼是重大的,也有一些出色的负担得起的蜜月包getable 。

Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue ve getable dyes red.


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geta 木屐 | getable 能得到的 | getatable 可到达的