- 更多 网络例句 与generationism相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
When a distinction is made between the terms Traducianism and Generationism, the former denotes the materialistic doctrine of the transmission of the soul by the organic process of generation, while the latter applies to the doctrine according to which the soul of the offspring originates from the parental soul in some mysterious way analogous to that in which the organism originates from the parent's organism.
当一个区分条款traducianism和generationism ,前者是指物质主义的传播灵魂,由有机物的过程中产生,而后者则适用于该学说根据其中的灵魂子代来源于父母灵魂,在一些神秘的方式类似,在其中的有机体来源于父母的有机体。